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Merkel Offered Path to Fourth Term as Resistance
Dwindles – BB
Social Democrat leader
Schulz to outline plan to president * SPD under pressure to join Merkel to
secure stability
In the debate on
European reforms, a sovereign debt restructuring mechanism for the Eurozone is
often proposed. This column argues that such a mechanism is not required.
Instead, Eurozone member states should issue GDP-linked bonds, which would
enact an implicit seniority structure on their sovereign debt and make the
Eurozone more resilient to the next crisis.
This book includes a
number of contributions by leading German and international researchers, and
(former) policymakers on ordo-liberalism, an economic policy approach developed
at Freiburg University after WWII. It is compared to the more flexible and
pragmatic Anglo-American approach.
Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure Scoreboard – Eurostat
Eurostat, the
statistical office of the European Union, publishes today the indicators of the
Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure (MIP) Scoreboard. The MIP is part of the
Six-Pack regulation on economic governance adopted by the European Parliament
and Council in November 2011.
Account of Oct. 26
meeting showed debate on QE open-endedness * Various QE sizes and duration
discussed by Governing Council
Flash Eurozone Composite PMI – Markit
Flash Germany Composite
PMI – Markit
Flash France Composite
PMI – Markit
Another broad-based rise
in PMI… a headache for the ECB? – Pictet
Investors overlooking potential risks: GAM’s Larry Hatheway * Risk is
that inflation surges despite little evidence yet
Value of nation’s homes equivalent to four times the economy * Risk that
‘a minor shock could become far more significant’
The source of the next crisis – Kevin Muir
Shorting volatility has provided huge risk-adjusted returns – which has
made it too popular
It's not hard to see why international investment banks are taking a
closer look.
This Robot Said to Sell Facebook. Next Time It May Be Right – BB
In a step toward replacing Wall Street analysts, Wells Fargo’s Ken Sena
has trained his Aiera bot to read millions of news stories and make calls on
UK Budget wrap, Zimbabwe’s new president, how to be charismatic
Fed on Track for December Rate Rise, Why Ireland Is Proving a Brexit
Euro-area PMIs to gradually fall from elevated levels * Many FOMC members
fear inflation could stay below target for longer * Lower US yields and a
weaker USD after the FOMC minutes
Tale of two economies — Fillon campaign tell-all — Poland’s ambitions
Europe Rebounds From Chinese Rout After Stellar PMIs; US Closed For
julkaistaan euroalueen ostopäällikköindeksit | Fedin pöytäkirja vahvisti
odotuksia joulukuun koronnostosta | USA:n markkinat on suljettu kiitospäivän
vieton vuoksi
EMU-keskustelusta unohtuu tärkein – Elina
Tuotannon Tekijät – Palkansaajien Suomi
100 vuotta – PT
Johdanto: mitä
oikein tapahtui?
Miten Suomen
talouden kasvutapa on muuttunut?
Maantieteen ja
luonnonvarojen muodostamat edut ja haitat talouskasvun tekijöinä
Miten pyrkimys
vakauteen ja EU:n ytimiin vei meidät säännöstelyviidakkoon? – Suomen
rahapolitiikan historiaa ja eurojärjestelmän kehitysnäkymiä
sopeutuminen rahaliiton ja talouskriisin testissä
Työllisyys ja
työttömyys – Miten suomalaiset työmarkkinat ovat muuttuneet?
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tuloerot ja köyhyys ovat kääntyneet kasvuun?
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