The billionaire Oleg
Deripaska is no Putin crony, but he helps flood the U.S. with imported
Three things the Fed is thinking about – ING
Investors will be scrutinising tomorrow's Fed’s minutes for thoughts on trade, inflation and the recent widening Libor spreads
Investors will be scrutinising tomorrow's Fed’s minutes for thoughts on trade, inflation and the recent widening Libor spreads
Research links: the
factor Olympics – Tadas
The risk of a US-China trade war spilling over into a currency war has
risen after reports this week that China is studying the use of CNY devaluation
in response to a more protectionist US administration. The timing of this is
somewhat interesting given that the US Treasury is due to release its
semi-annual FX report shortly.
The president could fast consume the reserves of soft power which America
has built.
US plans Syria response, Skripal discharged, Brexit museum
Markets Buoyed As Xi Vows a More Open China, Zuckerberg to Admit
Facebook’s ‘Big Mistake’
Budget Blowout | Inflation in Focus | China Chides ‘Cold War’ Mentality
XI's Day, but Not So Good for Putin
Who wants to be a Spitzenkandidat — Fish sticks and football fans —
Consumers’ ‘new deal’
US Futures, Global Stocks Soar On Hope Xi's "Conciliatory"
Speech Ends Trade War