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Thursday, April 4

4th Apr - Quiet #4061

Leonid Bershidsky: Europe’s Right Is Making a Noise. But Can It Win an Election?BB
It generates a lot of traffic on social media. But translating that into victories in next month’s European parliamentary election will be harder.

ECB Members Voiced Concern About Side Effects of Low Rates BB
Central bank publishes account of March 6-7 policy meeting * Some officials proposed extending rate guidance to 1Q 2020

Germany: No green shootsING
Awful new order data suggests that German industry is still suffering from Brexit woes and global uncertainties

Italian Stocks Slide As Italy Slashes 2019 Growth ForecastZH

Zombie firms, weak banks, and restructuring voxeu
Europe’s productivity problem is partly due to the rise of zombie firms that crowd out growth opportunities for others. This column explores the tendency for weak banks to evergreen loans to zombie firms to avoid realising losses on their balance sheet. Measures to strengthen bank balance sheets will be enhanced by insolvency regimes that encourage corporate restructuring.

Big Read: Has the yield curve predicted the next US downturn?FT
Some believe that an inversion of the markets’ original ‘fear gauge’ is not a predictor but a cause of recessions

Local fiscal multipliers and fiscal spillovers in the USvoxeu
The strength of fiscal multipliers and spillovers have been the subject of intense debate in recent years. Using data on US Department of Defense contracts and income and employment outcomes, this column finds evidence of  strong positive spillovers across locations and industries, although the geographical spillovers appear to dissipate fairly quickly with distance. Both backward linkages and general equilibrium effects contribute to the positive spillovers.

Five Things to Start Your Day AsiaBB

Five Things to Start Your Day Europe BB

EU Open RundownRANsquawk

FirstFT Daily BriefingFT

Brussels Briefing FT
EU grapples with Greece off the leash - In the absence of financial market pressure, how can the EU make Athens play ball?

Brussels EditionBB
China’s Hidden Network

Brussels PlaybookPolitico
Taking on China — Romania cringe — Hope you like the Eurostar dining car

Danske DailyDanske Bank

Eco Day EuropeBB
Carney on Brexit, Putin Pressure, Trade Talks Progress * Romania’s retail sales are widening current account deficit * Little signs of progress for Britain in bridging pay gap

Daily Market CommentMarc Chandler
Limited Price Action Does not Do Justice to Macro Developments

Five Things to Start Your Day US BB

US Open RundownRANsquawk

Global Markets Flatline Ahead Of He-Trump Meeting, US Jobs Report

Eco Day USBB
Ugly U.S. Jobs, Central Banks Hit Pause, Trump and Liu * Patience is golden from central bankers taking to the sideline * Trade talks seen near final stage before crunch meeting

Tänään julkaisuvuorossa EKP:n pöytäkirja | USA:n palveluiden luottamus putosi odotuksia enemmän | Brittiparlamentti hyväksyi ehdotuksen, jonka mukaan Mayn on pyydettävä brexitin lykkäämistä

Jan von Gerich: Voiko EKP sittenkin vielä laskea korkoa?Nordea
EKP:n ensimmäisen koronnoston ajankohtaa on arvuuteltu jo useamman vuoden, mutta talousnäkymien heikennyttyä entistä mielenkiintoisempi kysymys on se, voisiko EKP vielä laskea korkoa. Jos talousnäkymät heikkenevät lisää, jotain täytyy tehdä.

Taloudellinen katsaus, kevät 2019 – VM
VM: Kasvu hidastuu alle prosenttiin, työllisyysaste jää 73,3 prosenttiin – IS
VM: Nousukauden talouskasvu on ohi – IL