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Monday, October 14

14th Oct - Another Shutdown Monday

Starting from today, I am posting only once per day. I will  also skip the “regular” link section, but luckily you can access them from my Links-page.

I want to have more time to read what I link to – and write as well.

Previously on MoreLiver’s:

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House prices in the Euro area: Room for further declines in several countries Nordea (pdf)
…or a summary.

Europe prepares to come clean on hidden bank lossesReuters
Euro zone countries will consider on Monday how to pay for the repair of their broken banks after health checks next year that are expected to uncover problems that have festered since the financial crisis.

Which role should the ECB give up?Bruegel
We look at old and new competences of the ECB, identifying major synergies and conflicts of interests between them.

Goldman: LTRO-III is only a matter of timeSober Look

Mind the gap! And the way structural budget balances are calculatedBruegel
The so-called structural balance of the general government aims to measure the ‘underlying’ position of the budget by excluding the impact of the economic cycle and one-off measures, like bank recapitalisation costs. It has a crucial role in designing fiscal consolidation strategies in the EU

IMF and Europe Part Ways Over BailoutsWSJ
The euro zone and the IMF were thrown into each other's arms when Greece's debt crisis began early in 2010. Now, officials say, they could be heading for a divorce. As representatives from both sides meet at the end of this week in Washington to discuss Greece's need for extra cash and a lighter debt load, the clashes that have built up over the past three years are coming to a head.

An update on the German coalition negotiationsOpen Europe
A grand coalition still remains the most likely outcome but a CDU/CSU and Green coalition (Black-Green) has increased in likelihood.

Blogs review: The US hitting the debt ceiling Bruegel
Despite general optimism that a deal will be reached in time, discussion about what such a default would imply for financial markets and the global economy, as well as about creative solutions to the problem and the consequences of policy uncertainty abounds in the blogosphere.

Yield curve inversionSober Look
Inversion moves beyond one month as fiscal negotiations progress remains elusive

FX Viewpoint: What if (the US defaults)?Nordea

As crisis fades, G20 tries to get its mojo backReuters
Top officials for the world's biggest economic powers get nostalgic over how they mobilized to save the world from economic collapse in 2008. They are not nearly so glowing about their current muddle.

World Officials Plan Financial Defenses as Fed Eyes Exit WSJ
Finance ministers and central bankers at the IMF’s annual meeting in Washington were eyeing the potential shock waves that could arise from the Fed’s planned exit from easy money policies. A roundup of their comments.

Nominal wage rigidity in macro: an example of methodological failuremainly macro

Why the level of government debt may not matteralphaville / FT
Published in September, it looked at the relationship between taxes, debts and wealth transfers, and how economic context effects them. In other words, when it can, or cannot, be helpful to run high debt.

Lukijat kertoivat turhasta työstä: Liikaa pomoja ja huonoja tietojärjestelmiäHS

Kolumni: Työeläkerahastot ovat Suomen suurin taloudellisen vallan keskittymä HS

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