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Saturday, June 18

17th Jun - Quiet

Previously on MoreLiver’s:

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How Germany Could Upset Europe before UK ReferendumMarc Chandler

German OMT decision: Probably no short-term implications for the ECBNordea
Cœuré: Structural reforms on the way to a complete Union – ECB

This Week’s Brexit Briefing – At A Glance – WSJ
Brexit Monitor No. 8: It's the final countdown – Danske Bank

Danske DailyDanske Bank

Euro rates updateNordea

Risk off, risk on. Another volatile day on Brexit concerns * No UK campaigning today *
30Y German yield continue to decline * JPY rose to strongest level in years as BoJ remained on the sideline

Morning MarketsTF
Britain's parliament is in mourning after the murder yesterday evening of Jo Cox a Labour MP who was a prominent campaigner for remaining in the EU. Campaigning by both the Leave and Remain sides has been suspended at least until Saturday.

Euro wrap-up Daiwa

Daily Market Comment Marc Chandler
Martyrdom of Cox Acts as Catharsis

Daily Market CommentMacro Man
The elephant in the room

Daily Press SummaryOpen Europe
EU referendum campaigning suspended after fatal attack on Labour MP Jo Cox * Irish Finance Minister says his country will support UK in EU trade negotiations if there is a Brexit * German Bundestag officials doubt that UK would adhere to EU rules following Brexit * SNP raises prospect of unilateral negotiations with EU in event of UK-wide Leave vote * Eurogroup chief: Strong commitment to take steps forward in Eurozone regardless of Brexit vote * New poll: Emmanuel Macron seen as best centre-left candidate for 2017 presidential election * Number of asylum requests in EU sinks by a third * Croatian Government collapses following lost vote of confidence * Commission threatens legal action against French and German laws on minimum wages for foreign truckers * Senior AfD members move to prevent Petry consolidating power

Brussels PlaybookPolitico
British MP Jo Cox murdered — Croatian government falls

Global Stocks Rebound As Brexit Odds Decline Following Tragic Death Of UK Lawmaker


FX UpdateTF
The tragic murder of a pro-Remain British MP just a week before the UK referendum on EU membership seemed at the root of yesterday’s dramatic turnaround for risk appetite as well as sterling and the euro.

From the FloorTF
Markets have recovered a degree of risk-on as Brexit fears recede in the wake of UK MP Jo Cox's murder. The sort of calm provided by a political murder however is no sort of calm at all.

Käteisen nousu ja tuho * BoE piti korkotason ennallaan ja otti vahvasti kantaa Brexit-riskeihin l Gallupien perusteella Britannian EU-eron kannatus on kasvussa l​ USA:n inflaatio kehittyi odotetusti

Punaisesta yliopistosta vihreäksi E2
Tuore tutkimus Tampereen yliopiston opiskelijoista osoittaa, etteivät yhteiskuntatieteilijät enää - erotu perinteisellä vasemmistolaisella orientaatiolla.

Maahanmuutto ja ilmastonmuutos horjuttavat luottamusta mediaan E2
e2:n tuoreen tutkimuksen mukaan 38 prosenttia suomalaisista on menettänyt luottamuksensa perinteiseen mediaan. Lukema on hätkähdyttävän suuri: neljä kymmenestä suhtautuu epäillen journalistisiin sisältöihin.