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Wednesday, June 22

22nd Jun - Eve of Brexit Vote

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Editorial: Europe's Other Historic ReferendumView / BB
The U.K. isn’t the only European country facing a historic referendum that could shape its domestic politics and its relationship with Europe for decades to come. Italians will soon be confronted with these issues, too.

Nordic Outlook - June 2016Danske Bank

Greenland’s exit warning to Britain – Politico
Great Graphic: UK Referendum--Turnout it Key – March Chandler
Brexit Monitor No.9: Referendum day is near – timetable – Danske Bank
More Thoughts on the Democratic Deficit – Marc Chandler
Pre-referendum nerves: Bookies v The Doorstep – FT
Brexit exit polling – Peter Brandt

USA Article IV ConsultationIMF
Lagarde's Opening Remarks for the Press ConferenceIMF

Danske DailyDanske Bank

Euro rates updateNordea

Final Brexit polls, reassuring Draghi, gains in equities * Remain camp with a small edge ahead of the final vote * Pause for breath in the rebound of bond yields * GBP recovery stalls

Morning MarketsTF
Brexit eve jitters weighed on sentiment across Asia today although a positive lead from Wall Street helped ease anxiety with some benchmark stock indices making slim gains. In Europe bourses are expected to open mildly higher.
Daily Market Comment Marc Chandler
Markets Consolidate as Table is Set for Referendum

Daily Market CommentMacro Man
Fed policy: clear as mud, apparently

Daily Market Comment – Polemic’s Pains

Daily ShotTF
The market's focus may presently be on the Brexit vote to the exclusion of all else but by this weekend things could be very different.

Daily Press SummaryOpen Europe
Polls still neck and neck as campaigns make final pitches to the electorate * Schäuble calls for EU directional change even if Britons vote Remain * Le Pen says she would vote for Brexit, as Renzi makes plea for UK to stay in EU * Bloomberg: Franco-German Brexit contingency plan amounts to ‘show of unity’ * EU plans to tackle migration crisis with billions in investment * EU Commission voices concerns over different national interpretations of new EU bank resolution rules * Greece receives next tranche of bailout funds * Europe ready to extend sanctions against Moscow by six months

Brussels PlaybookPolitico
Wall-to-wall Brexit — Juncker relaxed on Greece

Eerie Calm Across Markets One Day Before The Main Event: Asia, Europe, US Unchanged


FX UpdateTF
The market entirely ignored Fed Chair Yellen’s semi-annual testimony yesterday as all eyes are on the final countdown into the UK referendum results which will start ticking in in the early hours of Friday with the final result expected "around breakfast time" according to the Electoral Commission.

From the FloorTF
Gold slides $30/oz as a 'Bremain' tilt sends money out of safe-haven assets ahead of the key vote Thursday in the UK.

Fed otti tuumaustauon * Tuoreimman gallupin mukaan Bremainin kannattajat jatkavat johdossa * Saksan talouskehitystä ennakoiva ZEW-indeksi oli ennakoitua vahvempi *​ Turkin keskuspankki leikkasi korkoa 50 korkopisteellä

Margaret Thatcherkin epäili, onko EU hyväksi eurooppalaisilleSuomen Uutiset
Rautarouvana tunnettu Iso-Britannian entisen pääministeri Margaret Thatcher suhtautui EU:iin skeptisesti. Hän painotti kansojen itsemääräämisoikeutta, piti maan puolia EU:n laajenemispyrkimyksiä vastaan ja piti tiukasti kiinni omasta maan omasta valuutasta. Yhdysvaltain ja Iso-Britannian poliittiseen historiaan erikoistunut toimittaja Matti Hukari kirjoittaa Thatcherin EU-näkemyksistä.

Rahaministeriö: Tänä vuonna on suhdannehuippu, talouskasvu vaimeneeVerkkouutiset

Kilpailukykysopimus heikentää julkista taloutta Verkkouutiset

Kansainvälinen pakolaisinstituutio ja valtioiden mahdollisuudetSuomen Perusta
Meri: Pakolaissopimukset uusiksiSuomen Uutiset
Tuumaustunti - Geneven pakolaissopimusPS