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Tuesday, March 19

19th Mar - Deutsche & Commerz #4049

Growth in labour costs weakened in Q4, expected to continue to fallABN AMRO

Employment growth and GDP in the euro areaECB

European Banks' Inescapable "Doom-Loop"ZH
Slowing growth and low yields, a toxic combination for banks.

A Deutsche Bank Merger Won’t Fix Europe’s BanksBB
The problems are serious, but forming a new behemoth wouldn’t be the answer. Also, yet more Brexit follies and Brazil’s misunderstood stock rally.

Editorial: Germany Makes Its Big Bank Problem Even BiggerBB
Europe’s financial overseers need to be ready for the consequences.

What Should Deutsche Bank Pay for Commerzbank?BB
There’s a difference between paying a premium and making shareholders feel like they’re getting one.

President Trump Has Some Stories to Tell About Deutsche BankBB
Why a German banking giant is in the news, and why the White House might worry.

ECB bank supervisor rejects ‘national champion’ deals FT
Potential collision course with Berlin over plans for Deutsche-Commerzbank tie-up

Martin Wolf: Why further financial crises are inevitableFT
As time passes, regulation degrades and risks rise

Five Things to Start Your Day AsiaBB

Eco Day AsiaBB
Trade Talks, Europe on Mend, Gender Discrimination * Princeton economist Alan Krueger, ex-Obama adviser, dies at 58 * U.S. homebuilder sentiment steady as sales and outlook improve

Five Things to Start Your Day EuropeBB

EU Open RundownRANsquawk

FirstFT Daily BriefingFT

Brussels BriefingFT
Brussels reheats an old tool for a new trade war - the time has come to exert pressure on Beijing over its interventionist trade policy

Brussels EditionBB

Brussels PlaybookPolitico
UK’s absurd intervention — Liberals’ ‘Team Europe’ — Rule of law central

Danske DailyDanske Bank
May's deal or a long extension

Eco Day EuropeBB
Norway Set to Hike, Fed's Inflation Bind, Swiss Bubble * Princeton economist Alan Krueger, ex-Obama adviser, dies at 58 * SNB meets this week, expected to keep deposit rate at -0.75%

Daily Market CommentMarc Chandler

Five Things to Start Your Day US BB

US Open RundownRANsquawk

Eco Day USBB
Fed’s Bind, Defenders Against Socialism, Canada Budget * Looming election sharpens focus on Trudeau’s spending * Rich countries’ welfare spending leaves people wanting more

Mayn sopimuksesta ei äänestetä uudelleen, brexit-sotku jatkuu | Tänään julkaistaan Britannian työmarkkinatilastoa sekä Saksan rahoitusmarkkinoiden luottamusindeksi | Italian 10-vuotinen korko laskenut vähitellen alaspäin