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Thursday, June 13

13th Jun - Quiet #4113

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ECB: About bazookas and water pistolsING
At last week’s meeting in Vilnius, ECB president Mario Draghi sent a strong signal that the ECB was only one small economic slip away from new stimulus. But what could the ECB still do?

Economic structures 20 years into the euroECB
Overall economic structures in euro area countries are still not fully commensurate with the requirements of a monetary union. Moreover, remaining challenges, such as population ageing, low productivity and the implications of digitalisation, will need to be addressed to increase economic resilience and long-term growth

Merkel-Macron tension complicates race for EU’s top jobs FT
Strained relations between Berlin and Paris make it hard to predict who will end up running the commission and ECB

US blames Iran for Gulf of Oman tanker attackFT
Middle East tensions escalate after Norwegian and Japanese ships hit

Five Things to Start Your Day AsiaBB

Eco Day AsiaBB
Trump Deadline Drama, Peak Into PBOC, Socialism in U.S. * U.S. budget deficit gapes to $739 billion despite tariff boost * Hyperinflation has forced Venezuela to release new bills

Five Things to Start Your Day Europe BB

EU Open RundownRANsquawk

FirstFT Daily Briefing FT

Brussels BriefingFT
Nordic full house in Brussels? Strength in numbers leaves no doubt that the region’s nominees will be well placed

Brussels EditionBB

Brussels PlaybookPolitico
Madrid’s moment — Parliament working groups sneak peak — Happy birthday, GDPR

Danske DailyDanske Bank
Call for central bank easing intensifying

Eco Day EuropeBB
U.K. Housing, Trump's Trade Deadline, Peak Into PBOC * Ross calls December rate hike by the Fed Reserve as premature * Australia unemployment rate rather stubborn above 5%

Daily Market CommentMarc Chandler
Financial Statecraft or Whack-a-Mole

Five Things to Start Your Day USBB

US Open RundownRANsquawk

US Futures, Global Stocks Bounce As Oil Surges After Persian Gulf Tanker Attack

Eco Day USBB
Banxico Can’t Cut, ECB Caught in the Middle, PBOC Peek * Two Fed rate cuts by end of September now more likely than one * SNB keeps ultra-loose policy with a new rate to tame currency

Julkaisimme tänään uuden Fed-ennusteemme, odotamme nyt neljää koronlaskua vuoden sisään alkaen heinäkuusta | USA:n pohjainflaatio alitti odotukset toukokuussa | Muutimme myös valuutta- ja korkoennusteitamme

TasapainoiluaSakari Heikkinen

Rinteen hallitus­ohjelman arvostelu perustuu osin kahteen sitkeään väärinkäsitykseenHS
Uuden hallituksen talousohjelma sisältää kummallisuuksia ja aimo annoksen optimismia, mutta se ei perustu epärealistisiin kasvuodotuksiin eikä uusien menojen rahoitus lepää työllisyyden nousun varassa.