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Sunday, October 7

7th Oct - Weekender: Off-topics, Finnish & Views

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EURUSD daily Trend is up, and we just had a healthy correction. Long-term targets are still far above, but the 1.34-130 congestion area from last spring is acting as a brake. The 1.30-level is pivotal as well - and the event risks next week makes me want to wait and see at the price action before initiating longs.

SPX daily Basically the same as above. Trend is up, nice trend channel, healthy correction, but the previous high and the older multi-year highs are acting as a brake.
EURUSD hourly I would prefer being a buyer near the 1.30 level. The breakout from the 1.28-1.2950-range was technically convincing, and after that we saw a pathetic correction attempt. The market wants to go higher.

SPX hourly Same thing, except the Friday's correction was somewhat stronger.

Aircraft Carriers in SpaceForeign Policy
Naval analyst Chris Weuve talks to Foreign Policy about what Battlestar Galactica gets right about space warfare. (Also The Diplomat)

Channeling Star Trek: Researchers to Begin Fusion Impulse Engine Experimentstxchnologist
“Star Trek fans love it, especially when we call the concept an impulse drive, which is what it is,” says team member Ross Cortez, an aerospace engineering Ph.D. candidate at UAH’s Aerophysics Research Center.

From Millennium Falcon to Falcon 9big think
While fuel dominates the mass at lift-off, it contributes only a tiny fraction to the cost of the launch. What many do not realize is that propellant costs are typically less than 1% of the cost of a launch to orbit. All that non-fuel mass that falls into the sea is where most of the transport costs go.

2012 – The Most Important Year Yet in TechnologyJohn Mauldin / The Big Picture

Should You Go on Google's Field Trip?technology review
The new app is an ingenious way to learn about what's around you—and points to a potential gold mine in location-based advertising.

Stop Pagination NowSlate
Why websites should not make you click and click and click for the full story.

Fend Off Trolls, Bots and Jerks With ‘Empathy’ TestWired

Why We Are So Rude OnlineWSJ
Online Browsing Lowers Self-Control and Is Linked To Higher Debt, Weight

The Forgotten Mapmaker: Nokia Has Better Maps Than Apple and Maybe Even GoogleThe Atlantic
It's impossible to create a perfect map, but that hasn't stopped Nokia from trying. Here, we go inside the company's neverending drive to create a digital copy of the world.

How to Keep Computer Screens From Destroying Your EyesThe Atlantic
It's so hard to look away. But you really should, at least occasionally. And "remind yourself to blink."

What makes you "click" with someone else?Bakadesuyo

Who’s in Charge Inside Your Head?NYT
What can parasitic flukes and zombie bees tell us about love and free will? A lot.

Presenting The World's Biggest Hedge Fund You Have Never Heard OfZH
Apple’s cash horde manager

A Master of Improv, Writing Twitter’s ScriptNYT
Dick Costolo was a stand-up comedian years before becoming the chief at Twitter. He has been unafraid to buck convention as he guides the company toward a possible I.P.O.

The Ridiculous Business Jargon DictionaryThe Office Life

Super-Rich IronyNew Yorker
Why do billionaires feel victimized by Obama?

Download the Trader Trivia App Now!The Reformed Broker

Would You Want to See Everything Your Doctor Writes About You?The Atlantic
We might not like everything we read, but a new trial found that giving patients easier access to our exam notes gets us more involved in effective care.

Fraud in the Scientific LiteratureNYT

Declassified at Last: Air Force’s Supersonic Flying Saucer SchematicsWired
Officially, aliens have never existed but flying saucers very nearly did. The National Archives has recently published never-before-seen schematics and details of a 1950s military venture, called Project 1794, which aimed to build a supersonic flying saucer.

Not From the Onion: Army Says ‘Social Network’ Use Is a Sign of RadicalismWired

FiveBooks Interviews - Renata Salecl on Modern MiseryThe Browser
The Slovenian philosophy professor decries the tyranny of choice and says we now expect long life, a beautiful body, sexual and job satisfaction. But the idea that we can perfect ourselves dooms us to failure and misery

The Internet Blowhard’s Favorite PhraseSlate
Why do people love to say that correlation does not imply causation?

Life of a salesman: Selling success, when the American dream is downsizedWP
He had always managed to find optimism in even the worst circumstances, and here was another chance: a heat advisory, 98 degrees and rising at 11 a.m., the hottest day of the year yet. “Thank you,” said Frank Firetti, 54, as he walked out of his Manassas office into a blast of humidity in early June. “Thank you,” he said again. “What a perfect day to sell a pool.”

The Reality of Anti-Blasphemy LawsThe Daily Beast
This is what anti-blasphemy laws inevitably lead to: the arrest and persecution of religious minorities, including children, in order to "protect sensibilities" of religious majorities. What it shows is that anti-blasphemy laws have nothing to do with "respect" or "sensitivity" to religious sentiments but are all about authority, control and social domination.

10 Words You Literally Didn’t Know You Were Getting Wronglitreactor

In the New World of SpiesThe New York Review of Books
To put it differently, the members of the Russian elite may no longer aspire to launch international Communist revolution, as they did in the 1930s. But they do aspire to change the Western norms and behavior that they see as standing in their way: they want to make Americans and European less interested in human rights, more accepting of corruption, and perhaps more amenable to Russian investment and Russian oligarchs.

Creative blocks aeon
The very laws of physics imply that artificial intelligence must be possible. What's holding us up?

Why Penalty Has No Impact on Crime Big Think

Aina kun euroeliitti kertoo, että kriisi on ohi, palomuuri on pystytetty tai talouskriisistä on saatu niskalenkki, Jan Hurri kirjoittaa kolumnin ja sanoo: ei ole.

Olli Rehn eurotaisteluissa: Kiitos 2010–2012TalSa
Talouskomissaari Olli Rehn kertoo uudessa kirjassaan, millaista EU-johtajien poteroissa oli eurokriisin suurhyökkäyksen vuosina 2010–2012. Myrskyn silmässä -kirjasta välittyy harmistus siitä, miten omaa etuaan ajavat jäsenmaat ovat välistävedoillaan sotkeneet komission toimeliaiden ja osaavien virkamiesten taistelua.

Sosiaalisesti hyödyllinen pankkiHannu Visti

Onko Basel III sittenkään se hopealuoti?Henri Myllyniemi / US Puheenvuoro

Miten käy Helmut Kohlin perinnön?TalSa
Saksan ja Euroopan yhdistyminen ovat saman mitalin kääntöpuolia, uskoi Helmut Kohl. Molempien moottorina toiminut liittokansleri voi nyt myhäillä edellisen läpiviemisestä, mutta joutuu vielä jännittämään jälkimmäisen hankkeensa onnistumista.

Tässä valuuttasodassa kaikki vaarassa hävitäJan Hurri / TalSa
EKP ja muut keskuspankit paisuttavat kilvan taseitaan, kun ne yrittävät tuoreen rahan voimalla elvyttää taloutta ja heikentää valuuttojaan. Tämä valuuttasota voi ensi alkuun olla lähes harmitonta, mutta riski kasvaa, että lopuksi tässä rahakahinassa häviävät kaikki paitsi onnekkaimmat keinottelijat.

Olli Rehn kotiin ja Paavo Väyrynen komissaariksi!Toimi Kankaanniemi / US Puheenvuoro 

Suomen talous kärsinyt kriisistä ja eurosta niin paljon ettei lahjoitettavaa todellakaan ole – kriisimaiden kohtalo on meidän kohtalommetyhmyri

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