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Saturday, January 11

11th Jan - W/E: Off-topics & Finnish

Previously on MoreLiver’s:

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With Great Computing Power Comes Great SurveillanceThe Atlantic
The dark side of Moore's Law

Be a Cocky Little NobodyTIME
Ricky Gervais on what's made him so successful

Inside China’s 'Breaking Bad' villageThe Telegraph
After China's biggest drug bust was made last month, Tom Phillips visits the tiny village responsible for producing a third of the country's Methamphetamine supply

Who Made That T-Shirt?NYT
In 1904, the Cooper Underwear Company ran a magazine ad announcing a new product for bachelors.

This is your brain on religion: Uncovering the science of beliefSalon
From Pope Francis to Phil Robertson: Why are some people of faith generous — while others are nuts?

Edward Snowden, Whistle-BlowerNYT

NSA seeks to build quantum computer that could crack most types of encryptionWaPo

NSA Hackers Get the ‘Ungettable’ With Rich Catalog of Custom Tools Wired

What if the Germans had won the first world war?The Guardian
With the war's centenary near, this is not a parlour game. Counterfactual conjecture allows us to see the conflict far more objectively

1942 ‘Time Capsule’ Apartment Discovered In ParisBello Blog

Do the HustleThe New Yorker
Con artists are greedy hucksters who sell us dreams that never come true. But Americans have a soft spot for them.

Why creative people tend to be eccentricFarnam Street
Creativity and eccentricity often go hand in hand, and researchers now believe that both traits may be a result of how the brain filters incoming information.

The Secrets of White Collar Prisonsdujour
Bernie Kerik, Jack Abramoff and Dennis Kozlowski—three of the most high-profile men to be on the inside—smash the perception that prison life is anything like "Club Fed"

Before They Pass AwayBB
A Photographer Races After Vanishing Tribes

The Invisible Hand AwardKrugman / NYT

Why We Binge-Watch TelevisionThe Daily Beast
As a society, we’re more distracted than ever. So how is it that streaming hours of complicated TV dramas at a time is becoming our preferred method of watching television?

New AmsterdamSlate
Is Colorado—and its pot supply—ready for weed tourism?

Drug legalisation: Of bongs and bureaucratsThe Economist

Marijuana legalisation: High timeThe Economist

CNN Poll: Support for legal marijuana soaringPolitical Ticker

Yuppie Prohibition League Denounces Pot LegalizationRolling Stone

Libertarians Know How To Oppose Things Without Banning ThemReason

Valvira salasi oikuttelevan potilasjärjestelmän vikaluokituksen: "Liikesalaisuus"YLE
Valvovat viranomaiset ja Hus-johtaja ovat aiemmin olleet samassa työpaikassa. Valvojan päätöksellä tarkastuskertomuksesta salattiin Husin käyttämä vikaluokitus.

Todellisuudentajua federalisteilleHenri Myllyniemi / US

Nollakorko ei tehoaTalouden Tulkki

Taloustietäjät: Krugmanin Suomi-ihmettelyn syynä tiedon puuteHS

Krugman kävi opastamassa myös ruotsalaisia taloudenpidossaVerkkouutiset
Talousnobelisti Paul Krugman jatkoi perjantaina matkaansa Kööpenhaminasta Tukholmaan, missä hän läksytti maan keskuspankkia asuntokuplan synnyn estämisestä sekä valtiovarainministeri Anders Borgia verojen ja maksujen väärinkytkennästä.

Ykkösaamu: Björn WahlroosYLE
Vieraana Sampo Oyj:n hallituksen puheenjohtaja Björn Wahlroos.

Björn Wahlroos: Suomen talous on menossa oikein huonoon suuntaanYLE

Wahlroos Ylen Ykkösaamussa: "Suomessa liian kallista tuottaa mitään"Verkkouutiset

Kultaan sidottu raha ei ehkäise pankkikriisejä – kuten USA:n historia osoittaaTyhmyri

Millä keinoilla Suomi nousuun?Paavo Häikiö