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Sunday, March 22

22nd Mar - W/E: Linkfest

Previously on MoreLiver’s:

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EU Dangles Prospect of Aid to Entice Greece Into Action – BB
Greeks Take It To The Mattresses As Graccident Looms – ZH
Greece slides towards the euro trapdoor – FT
Greek bailout summit ends in disarray – FT
Tsipras letter to Merkel: the annotated text – FT
Germany Gives Greece One Final Ultimatum – ZH

ECB: TLTROs – something between a handgun and a bazookaNordea
Euro-area banks take EUR 97.8 bn in the third targeted longer-term refinancing operation (TLTRO), which is more than expected. Still, the TLTROs are a subsidiary liquidity tool relative to QE. Bond purchases are the ECB's main instrument to extend its balance sheet.

Philippe LeGrain: Why Mario Draghi Is Too OptimisticForeign Policy
Sure, there are some favorable trends in the eurozone's near future. But "sustained recovery" is a bit much.

ECB Said to Reject Supervisory Move on Greek BanksBB

Italian Bonds Slide Showing ECB QE Doesn’t Justify One-Way BetBB

Which European National Central Bank Most Likely To Become InsolventZH

ECB torn between two roles in Greek bank supportReuters

Goldman: "The Path to Exit"Calculated Risk

S&P 500 Companies With Higher Global Exposure to See Lower Growth in Q1?Factset

Wages Haven’t Been This Crucial to U.S. Economy in Half CenturyBB

Japan Economic Outlook: Abenomics’ second chanceNordea
We are excited to see Abenomics' second term. The government has pushed for reforms that encourage household and business spending. Wages are growing at the fastest pace since 1997, very good for consumer sentiment. We expect the BoJ to expand the QQE in Q4 which will likely put more weakening pressure on the JPY.

Justice, capitalism and progress: Paul Tudor Jones II at TED2015TED
Paul Tudor Jones Warns Market Mania Will End By Revolution, Taxes, Or WarZH

Current errors of conventional wisdomFT

How to Make Millions by Marketing Yourself as a ‘Douche Bag’BB
Tim Sykes’s outlandish self-promotional strategies have made him richer than trading ever did

Interstellar? Scientist Warns Earth Is Now Halfway To Being InhospitableZH

The Use and Effectiveness of Macroprudential Policies: New EvidenceIMF
Using a recent IMF survey and expanding on previous studies, we document the use of macroprudential policies for 119 countries over the 2000-13 period, covering many instruments. Emerging economies use macroprudential policies most frequently, especially foreign exchange related ones, while advanced countries use borrower-based policies more. Usage is generally associated with lower growth in credit, notably in household credit. Effects are less in financially more developed and open economies, however, and usage comes with greater cross-border borrowing, suggesting some avoidance. And while macroprudential policies can help manage financial cycles, they work less well in busts.

Lagarde: Monetary Policy in the New NormalIMF

Repeat after me: sectoral balances must sum to zeroFrances Coppola

Dollar DriversMarc to Market

The Fuzzy, Insane Math That's Creating So Many Billion-Dollar Tech CompaniesBB
Startups achieve astronomical valuations in exchange for protecting new investors

Winning the Too-Big-to-Fail BattleProject Syndicate
After the financial crisis forced governments to bail out systemically important banks, regulators implemented measures to safeguard the financial system. Recent studies suggest that their efforts are working – but they still have a long way to go.

Funds Run by Robots Now Account for $400 BillionBB
Smart-beta ETFs use machines to outperform humans and now account for $400 billion, but some can be less than brilliant.

Soini: Mikä on Sipilän keskustan EU-linja? Suomen Uutiset
Soini kysyy: Kumpi keskustan Kreikka-linjoista on tulossa?Verkkouutiset

Viinasen leikkauslista - "puolueiden pallo on pahan kerran hukassa"Verkkouutiset
Legendaarinen rahaministeri patistelee uudistuksiin Verkkouutiset

Ettei vain neljän vuoden takainen toistuisiJan Vapaavuori

Miksi Sailaksen lista ei synny uudelleen?Tapani Ruokanen / US

Valtiovarainministeriö tunnustaa tosiasiatOlli Rehn / US
VM:n virkamiehet tekevät politiikkaa ja kahmivat valtaaHeikki Patomäki / US

Hetemäki: Työttömyyden vähentäminen takaisi puolet kuuden miljardin säästöistäHS
Pahimmat työttömyysloukut liittyvät vapaarahoitteisissa vuokra-asunnoissa asuvien köyhien tukiin

Valtiosihteeri: Kaikista köyhimpien työttömyysloukku purettavaIL
Vähävaraisille tarkoitettuja ara-asuntoja tulisi ohjata nykyistä tehokkaammin kaikista köyhimmille kansalaisille, perjantaina politiikan toimittajien lounasvieraana ollut valtiovarainministeriön valtiosihteeri Martti Hetemäki sanoo.

Hallitsematon leikkaus tekisi pahaa jälkeä - hyvinvointivaltio kestää miljardisäästötEtelä-Saimaa

Vaalikauden tilinpäätös: perusturva, tuloerot ja kannustinloukutOlli Kärkkäinen

Ex-komentaja: Tämän vuoksi Suomi ei liittynyt Natoon 1990-luvullaVerkkouutiset
Puolustusvoimain entisen komentajan mukaan Suomi kiersi 1990-luvulla Nato-jäsenyyden väärän viiteryhmän vuoksi.

SDP:n Rinne Ykkösaamussa: Kokoomus ei pidä sopimuksista kiinniVerkkouutiset

Tätä suomalaiset toivovat seuraavalta hallitukselta Aamulehti

Hollannin yskä Suomeen?Akateeminen talousblogi