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Monday, January 28

28th Jan - Big week begins quietly #4006

Mark Leonard: How Europe’s Populists Can Win by LosingProject Syndicate
The European Parliament elections this May have been described as a make-or-break moment for the future of the European project – and for good reason. With plans to form a populist united front, Euroskeptic parties need only capture one-third of parliamentary seats to bring EU governance to a crawl.

The Big Read - 5G: Can Europe match the US and China?FT

Editorial: Europe’s ‘Right to Be Forgotten’ Needs LimitsBB
By curbing this misguided policy, the European Court of Justice can avoid an awful precedent.

Nordea Economic Outlook: Shaky ground Nordea
Sweden: Housing alert * Norway: Treading carefully * Denmark: Robust upswing * Finland: Export ramifications

El-Erian: Why the Fed Is Likely to Signal Greater Policy Flexibility BB
The central bank must balance continuing to please markets and responding to domestic economic strength.

World trade: Trade war is starting to kick inING
World trade is in reverse. In November 2018, 1.6% fewer goods crossed borders than in the previous month when the volume of world trade still grew 1.2% on a month-on-month basis. The less volatile three-month average growth figure took a nosedive as well with a decrease from 1.1% in October last year to 0.0% in November

China’s GDP numbers send out a warning George Magnus
Slowdown is deeper than data shows and will dive further without a trade deal

China’s Banks Are Desperate for Capital BB
Lenders can’t continue this pace of loan growth without a bigger cushion. Beijing needs to make fundraising easier.

Five Things to Start Your Day AsiaBB

EU Open Rundown RANsquawk

FirstFT Daily Briefing FT

Brussels Briefing FT
Margrethe Vestager faces a tough political choice whether to allow a Siemens-Alstom union

Brussels Edition BB

Brussels Playbook Politico
Macedonia next steps — Foreign policy lessons — Yellow Jackets’ gift to Macron

Danske DailyDanske Bank

Eco Day EuropeBB
Trade Scenarios, BOE Governor, Europe Recession Signs

Daily Market CommentMarc Chandler
Getting Ducks Lined Up for Later in the Week

Five Things to Start Your Day USBB

US Open RundownRANsquawk

Global Stocks Slide Ahead Of Crazy Week; Iron Ore Soars

Eco Day USBB
Powell on the Spot, Trade Talks, European Slowdown * Fed chair due to face press after this week’s policy meeting * Europe’s economic frailties on display after Draghi’s downer

Viikko on täynnä merkittäviä tilastojulkistuksia: Fedin kokous, ostopäällikköindeksejä USA:sta sekä BKT-lukuja euroalueelta | USA:n liittovaltion osittainen sulku päättyi | Julkaisemme tänään uuden Economic Outlook -talousennusteemme

Virkamiehet ohjaavat seuraavaa hallitusta työllisyydestä YLE
Ministeriöiden kansliapäälliköt kertovat yhteisen näkemyksensä tulevan hallituksen päätehtävistä ja tärkeistä uudistuksista.

Suomi joutuu tekemään rajuja uudistuksia, jos hyvinvointiyhteiskunta halutaan säilyttääHS
Valtiovarainministeriön kansliapäällikkö Martti Hetemäki julkaisi listan Suomen talouden kymmenestä ongelmasta.

Kansliapäälliköt: Suomen mahdollisuudet tulevalla hallituskaudellaVNK