Last week's 'Off-Topic' here.
Previously on MoreLiver’s:
Cinema Tarantino: The
Making of Pulp Fiction – Vanity
The first independent film to gross more than $200
million, Pulp Fiction was a shot of adrenaline to Hollywood’s heart,
reviving John Travolta’s career, making stars of Samuel L. Jackson and Uma
Thurman, and turning Bob and Harvey Weinstein into giants. How did Quentin
Tarantino, a high-school dropout and former video-store clerk, change the face
of modern cinema? Mark Seal takes the director, his producers, and his cast
back in time, to 1993.
The ideal of objectivity – The
Scientific American
Objectivity is a value – perhaps one of the values
that scientists and non-scientists most strongly associate with science. So,
it’s worth thinking about how scientists understand that value, some of the
challenges in meeting the ideal it sets, and some of the historical journey
that was involved in objectivity becoming a central scientific value in the
first place.
Sapir-Whorf Economics: Your Language Predicts
Your Future – The
Psy-Fi Blog
tables are pure meritocracies. The pecking order of respect at Charles Town is
determined by how good you are at the game. Other players may like you
personally, but if you’re a bad player you’re a bad player, and nothing about
your status in the outside world makes any difference.
Harvard Economist: Legalizing Drugs Suits Ideal
of American Freedom –
Harvard University professor Jeffrey Miron has advocated the legalization of drugs for
decades. He explains why prohibition is more dangerous than selling drugs in
Red White: Why a Founding Father of Postwar
Capitalism Spied for the Soviets – Foreign
Treasury official Harry Dexter White is best known as one of the leading
architects of the Bretton Woods system that shaped the global economy after
World War II. But he was also a spy for the Soviet Union, providing secret information and
giving advice on economic issues. Why did he do it? Newly uncovered documents
show that this champion of postwar global capitalism was actually a passionate
believer in the success of the Soviet experiment with socialism.
The Cacophony of the World – Project
something like the Concert of Europe, which produced a century of peace between
the Napoleonic Wars and World War I, be globalized? Unfortunately, in today's
rapidly fragmenting world, global cacophony seems more probable.
Audio: Revealing the Secrets of Bretton Woods
– IMF (mp3)
The 1944
Bretton Woods conference laid the foundations of the modern international
monetary system, but little was known about the exact proceedings of that
historic gathering, until now. A U.S. treasury economist’s discovery of
the original transcript of that meeting provides an insight into the characters
and the intense debate surrounding the birth of two major international
organizations. - See more at:
Deep-Space Photos:
Hubble’s Greatest Hits – TIME
How do you find the
best mentor for you? – bakadesuyo
What Our Brains Can
Teach Us – NYT
Document shows how much data cops suck up from
suspects’ cell phones
– arstechnica
Police can
gain warrantless access to messages and past locations.
PTT: Oma kiinteä valuutta olisi Suomelle
hankala – TalSa
taloustutkimus PTT on uudessa tutkimuksessaan selvittänyt Suomen vaihtoehdot
eurolle siinä tapauksessa, että euro ei enää olisi olemassa.
tilaustutkimus: Paine liittovaltiokehitykseen lisääntyy – HS
PTT ja euroalueen
näkymät – Henri
Myllyniemi / Piksu
On aika sanoa EU:lle
hyvästit – Matti
Kyllönen / US Puheenvuoro
Komissaarin uudet
vaatteet – onko niitä? – Jan
Hurri / TalSa
EU-komissio on omilla toimillaan myöntänyt
talouspolitiikkansa virheitä ja haittavaikutuksia. Silti talouskomissaari Olli
Rehnin mielestä virheistä ei sovi keskustella julkisesti, ettei
"luottamus" vain vaarannu. Sadussa keisari ylpeili uusilla
vaatteillaan vaikka oli kelteisillään – minkälaista kangasta ovatkaan
komissaarin uudet vaatteet?
Kiina – korruption
suurvalta – Timo
Poropudas / TalSa
Lahjonta ja korruptio ovat osa jokapäiväistä elämää
Kiinassa. Se koskettaa lähes kaikkia elämän alueita. Tuoko Kiinan uuden johdon
äänekäs kampanja muutoksen tilanteeseen?