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Wednesday, March 6

6th Mar - US Close

Previously on MoreLiver’s:

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Roundups & Commentary
Markets – Between The Hedges
The Closer – alphaville / FT

Tomorrow’s Tape: Jobless Claims, Consumer Credit – WSJ
US: Silver Surges As Dow Hits New-er Record – ZH
Morning Briefing (Asia): Dow Sets Fresh Record High After ADP Employment - BNY Mellon

  China's growth mix should also be seen against a backdrop of longer-term change

European Crisis Over? Not So FastZH
Eurozone Downturn Accelerates Despite German Growth Mish’s

Did OMTs Turn the ECB Into a Real Central Bank?WSJ
There is a tide in the affairs of central banking which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune, as Shakespeare almost said

Rear-View Mirror Looms Front and Center for Italy’s LeftWSJ
Italy’s Democratic Party is struggling to digest its surprisingly weak performance in Italy’s general election next month, and the cacophony of proposals made at a senior leadership summit in Rome on Wednesday suggests its path from here may be backwards.

Italy’s Prodi Muses on Germany, Italy’s Left, Past Help to GrilloWSJ
Germany's insistence on a narrow version of fiscal austerity is not in its own interest as the European Union's largest economy needs strong neighbors to form an "enlarged industrial cluster," Romano Prodi, the former European Commission president, said in an interview Wednesday.

Ireland Sticks to Austere CourseWSJ
Governments around Europe are having second thoughts about sticking to plans to cut budget deficits in the face of rising unemployment, but Irish prime Minister Enda Kenny Wednesday made it clear that his is not among them.

The Current State of the Macro Policy DebateBrad DeLong
Musings on Paul Krugman vs. The Three Tweeters of Bruxelles

When the Fed fights, it winsFree exchange / The Economist

Fed Balance Sheet RisksMacroMania

Fed's Beige BookCalculated Risk
Economic activity expanded at "modest to moderate" pace

The Intellectual Argument For and Against Keynesian Expansionary Fiscal PolicyEconomist’s View

China’s State Planning Commission Welcomes You WSJ
The National Development and Reform Commission is the wheel around which the Chinese domestic economy spins. That made the idiosyncratic planning at the NDRC’s press conference at the National People's Congress on Wednesday all the more puzzling.

Three Unorthodox ViewsMarc to Market
Resilience of the US economy, skepticism about the prospects of Abenomics, currency Wars

The age of infinite equity?alphaville / FT
Government support for debt markets has gone about as far as it can. From here on the scramble for a finite number of “safe” debt assets becomes self defeating on account of negative rates and the zero bound. What you pick in safety you have to pay for in negative yield. There are no safe debt assets anymore. Equity on the other hand has no cap. It has infinite potential.

EM FX Monocle – Divergent pathsNordea (pdf)
or the summary.

Ray Dalio went into this year even more bullish than we thoughtReuters
But after taking my own recent look at Bridgewater’s year-end investor note–book is probably a better description for the 300-page plus bound treatise–you realize that bullish just doesn’t describe Bridgewater’s stance going in 2013.

Torakoita ja jälkiviisastelua: miksi Katainen ja Rehn ovat päässeet helpolla?Heikki Patomäki / US Puheenvuoro

Saariselän salakokous keskustelee EU:n tulevaisuudestaKU
Joukko Euroopan maiden ministereitä keskustelee Euroopan tulevaisuudesta Inarin Saariselällä 22.–24. maaliskuuta.

Eurokriittiset puheet voimistuvat EuroopassaTalSa
Saksassa puuhataan eurovastaista puoluetta. Italiassa esitetään kansanäänestystä eurosta. Taloustieteilijät varoittelevat kriisinhoitotoimien epäonnistumisesta. Europäättäjien kannalta tilanne ei näytä hyvältä.

Asuntomarkkinat hiljentyneet talven aikanapiksu

Professorin yllätysväite: Vientiongelmat johtuvat huonosta yritysjohdostaYLE
Aalto-yliopiston taloustieteen professorin Pertti Haaparannan mukaan Suomen kilpailukyky on yhä parhaimmalla tasollaan lähes 40 vuoteen. Vientituotteiden kysynnän heikentyminen johtuu Haaparannan mielestä yritysjohdon virheistä ja surkeasta myyntiosaamisesta.

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