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Saturday, July 27

27th Jul - Weekender: Linkfest

Previously on MoreLiver’s:

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Brussels blog round-up for 20 – 26 JulyEuropp / LSE
Belgium’s new King, the UK’s new Prince, and a report card for Putin.

„Die Euro-Krise wird sich im Spätherbst zuspitzen“Handelsblatt
Vor einem Jahr kündigte EZB-Chef Draghi an, alles zu tun, um den Euro zu retten. Der frühere EZB-Chefvolkswirt Jürgen Stark hält dies für fatal. Er fürchtet, dass die EZB bald Frankreich mit Anleihekäufen stützen muss.

German industry will pick up, not enough to buoy eurozoneReuters
German manufacturing, the backbone of Europe's largest economy, will slowly regain momentum after a weak start to the year but its recovery is unlikely to be strong enough to help the rest of the currency bloc.

Commerzbank: Das slogThe Economist

'An Anxious Continent': Walter Lacqueur on Europe's DeclineSpiegel
British-American historian Walter Laqueur experienced the demise of the old Europe and the rise of the new. In a SPIEGEL interview, he shares his gloomy forecast for a European Union gripped by debt crisis.

Conditional euro area sovereign default riskRiksbank (pdf)
Sveriges Riksbank Working Papers by André Lucas, Bernd Schwaab and Xin Zhang

Draghi did it - Chart of the weekBerenberg

Measuring Mario Draghi’s Promises 1 Year OnMoneyBeat / WSJ

LTRO payback, Eonia tightening editionalphaville / FT

Cypriot deposit leakage continued in JuneOpen Europe

A look beyond the headline figures on Spanish unemploymentOpen Europe

Is a Grexit possible before the German elections?BCA
The probability of Grexit has increased due to several factors:

"Housing" - Is It Really Recovering?ZH
Due to the shift in the makeup of the U.S. economy, housing is no longer the contributor to the economy it once was.

On U.S. banks and commodity trade, Fed unlikely to say noReuters
When it comes to commodity trading, the U.S. Federal Reserve has a habit of lengthy deliberation, deep enquiry and saying yes.

Earnings Beat Rate by Sector This SeasonBespoke

IMF Concludes 2013 Article IV Consultation with the United StatesIMF
United States: Selected IssuesIMF
United States: 2013 Article IV Consultation—Staff ReportIMF

Michigan Confidence Hits Six-Year High – Bespoke
Michigan Consumer Sentiment: Highest Level in Six Years – dshort
Consumer Sentiment Highest Since July 2007 – WSJ

Abenomics’ Next Big Test: Wages WSJ
Now that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's quest to stamp out deflation showed signs of progress Friday, his next test is wages.

Insider trading enriches and informs us, and could prevent scandals. Legalize it.  Wonkblog / WP

Great Graphic: Manufacturing PMI in US, EMU and ChinaMarc to Market

Nominal GDP Targeting and the Zero Lower Bound: Should We Abandon Inflation Targeting?Riksbank (pdf)
Sveriges Riksbank Working Papers by Roberto M. Billi

Using Financial Markets To Estimate the Macro Effects of Monetary Policy: An Impact-Identified FAVAR* - Riksbank (pdf)
Sveriges Riksbank Working Papers by Stefan Pitschner

Are all Capital Inflows Associated with Booms in House Prices? An Empirical EvaluationCentral Bank of Chile (pdf)
Central Bank of Chile Working Papers by Alejandro Jara Eduardo Olaberría

International Reserves and Rollover RiskDallas FED (pdf)
Dallas Fed Institute Working Papers by Javier Bianchi and Juan Carlos Hatchondo

‘Shallow Risk’ and ‘Deep Risk’ Are No Walk in the WoodsMoneyBeat / WSJ

Collage of Arts and SciencesSmithsoian
He handed the scientists large pieces of white paper and some crayons and asked them, on the spot, to draw their award-winning discoveries. Once they finished, he photographed them with their sketches in poses of their choosing.

Isaac Asimov’s Fan Mail to Young Carl Saganbrain pickings

My Week in North KoreaReason
A Soviet-born American tours the Hermit Kingdom and finds humanity in a most inhumane place.

2001: A Space Odyssey - Discerning Themes through Score and ImageryURI

'Prolific Partner': German Intelligence Used NSA Spy ProgramSpiegel
Angela Merkel and her ministers claim they first learned about the US government's comprehensive spying programs from press reports. But SPIEGEL has learned that German intelligence services themselves use one of the NSA's most valuable tools.

What Makes Some People So Smart?Wired
Science Prodigy Zhao Bowen Wants to Crack a Genetic Mystery´

The Child Prodigies Who Became 20th-Century CelebritiesSmithsonian
Every generation produces kid geniuses, but in the early 1900s, the public was obsessed with them

The Cheat Code to LifeWired
Sneaky tricks, workarounds, and creative rule-bending to outwit the chumps and get what you want

Makers of WarWired
The arms manufacturers of Aleppo used to be ordinary men—network administrators, housepainters, professors. Then came the bloody Syrian crisis. Now they must use all their desperate creativity to supply their fellow rebels with the machinery of death.

Sanoma vapaapudotuksessaNordnet
Strategiamuutos odotettavissa konsulttien lomien jälkeen

Ei kurjuutta kummempaaTyhmyri
Vielä olisi ehkä mahdollista pelastaa euro ja Euroalueen talous jos halua olisi

Euroopan yhteiskunnallinen kriisiHenri Myllyniemi / US Puheenvuoro

Asuntomarkkinat jakautuvat: Pääkaupunkiseutu ylös, muu Suomi alasVerkkouutiset

Palkkamaltti voi auttaa Suomen talouden kasvuunVerkkouutiset

Suomi-laiva on kuin Titanic aikoinaanVerkkouutiset
Ammattiliitto Pron puheenjohtaja Antti Rinteen mukaan suomalaisten päätöksentekijöiden ja yrityseliitin on tarkasteltava omien arvojensa kestävyyttä ennen syksyn talous- ja työmarkkinapäätöksiä.

Vartiainen: Eläkeputki syytä tukkia kokonaanSuomenmaa

Hallitukselle ei heru luottoa talousasioissa - edes omiltaKaleva