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Sunday, March 2

2nd Mar - W/E: Linkfest

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Brussels blog round up 22 – 28 FebruaryEuropp / LSE
Merkel in the UK, visa waivers for the UAE, and how should the EU engage with Russia over Ukraine?

Germany: 2% GDP growth in 2015 despite adverse employment policyDB Research
The details of the 0.4% qoq GDP increase released this week have not altered our GDP forecast of 1.5% for 2014. If anything, they have added to our suspicion that current surveys (corporate and consumer) might paint a too rosy picture. However, we have turned somewhat more optimistic with regard to 2015, increasing our GDP forecast from 1.4% to 2.0%.

Euro Inflation Research No 5: ECB will ease again... and againDanske Bank
We have a strong conviction of additional easing from the ECB.

Why Is Britain Running Away from Europe?Spiegel
Great Britain used to play a key role in leading Europe, and the benefits have been substantial. But now, the UK is turning its back on the EU and has chosen to focus on peripheral issues. It is the wrong move.

Cyprus One Year After Bank Bail-InWSJ
The canary lived, but it’s still suffering from the aftereffects of being sent into the mine in the first place.

Italy Unemployment Rises to Record High in Challenge for RenziBB

Russia Moves to Deploy Troops in UkraineWSJ
Authorization Comes in Defiance of Warnings Not to Intervene

Europe’s Ukrainian TestProject Syndicate
Ana Palacio: One could be tempted to view the overthrow of Ukraine's government as a signal that the country is entering a new era, moving inexorably away from Russia and into the European democratic fold. But Ukraine remains subject to deep internal cleavages and conflicting geopolitical forces that could easily thwart that trajectory.

Never say never again - will the geopolitics of the Ukraine crisis influence gas flows to Europe?Nordea

Revealed: The forgotten treaty which could drag the US and UK into WAR with Russia if Putin's troops intervene in UkraineThe Daily Mail

IMF History With Ukraine Leaders May Cloud Aid NegotiationsBusinessweek

A Short History Lesson On Ukraine and CrimeaCredit Writedowns

Ukraine Imposes Capital Controls, Limits Foreign Currency WithdrawalsZH

Meet the Journalists Exposing Yanukovych's Deepest, Wettest SecretsForeign Policy

Putin goes to warThe New Yorker

Economic Woes The Uncertain Future of Ukraine's FinancesSpiegel
With rapidly shrinking currency reserves and a capital flight problem, Ukraine faces an uncertain financial future. The IMF plans to send a "fact-finding mission" to Kiev next week, but will it be enough?

Putin's War in Crimea Could Soon Spread to Eastern Ukraine And nobody—not the U.S., not NATO—can stop himNew Republic

Economists warn of more market 'tantrums' as U.S. Fed tightensReuters
urbulence on Wall Street will likely return when the Federal Reserve decides to hike interest rates, top U.S. economists said in a paper that warned the Fed's huge stimulus program could have harmful consequences.

Revisiting the Fed’s CrisisProject Syndicate
J. Bradford DeLong: Reading through the just-released transcripts of the Federal Reserve’s Federal Open Market Committee meetings in 2008, one is compelled to ask a single, overarching question: What accounted for the FOMC’s blinkered mindset as crisis erupted all around it?

Who’s Afraid of Tapering?Project Syndicate
Koichi Hamada: The Federal Reserve’s exit from quantitative easing has financial markets and policymakers worried, with warnings of capital-flow reversals and collapsing asset prices dominating policy discussions worldwide. But, given that most major economies operate under a flexible exchange-rate regime, such concerns are largely unwarranted.

Fed’s Evans Is Willing to Risk Higher Inflation to Boost Hiring – WSJ
Fed’s Plosser: Models Hint Rates Should Rise ‘Very Soon’ – WSJ
Too much flexibility could risk efficacy of Fed policy –Plosser – Reuters
Fed's Stein: big bond funds bear watching for stability risk – Reuters
Fed's Kocherlakota: policy must heed financial stability risks – Reuters
Forward Guidance is not Forward Commitmentmainly macro
Why no central banks during this recession have tried forward commitment. A closely related question is why no central banks have established price level or nominal GDP targets.

Deflation is not benignCoppola Comment
In an economy where the money supply depends on the production of debt, deflation can never be a good thing. In fact as any cyclist can tell you, deflation means you aren't going anywhere.

Inside Wall Street’s Frat: Kappa Beta PhiWSJ
Wall Street’s secretive fraternity is getting a bit of attention this month, thanks to Kevin Roose’s new “Young Money.” The book, which details the mundane experiences of eight young Wall Street bankers, devotes a chapter to Kappa Beta Phi and its 80th induction dinner in 2012.

The Real Reason Nobody Reads AcademicsView / BB
If academia was easier to keep up with, I think a lot of academics would be surprised to learn how many journalists care about their work, and I think a lot of journalists would be happy to find how much academic research can do for their stories.

Robert Shiller says markets have become more prone to bubblesInstitutional Investor
The Nobel laureate contends that investors need to study human nature and history, and avoid falling victim to groupthink.

Emerging Markets Look Appetizing…AgainWSJ  

Welcome to GoogletownThe Verge
Here's how a city becomes company property

The Benjamin Franklin Effectbrain pickings
 The Surprising Psychology of How to Handle Haters:  “He that has once done you a kindness will be more ready to do you another, than he whom you yourself have obliged.”

The Space Age Never Looked Brighter Than It Did in the Mid-1960sio9

The Mind-Blowing Hungarian Posters for All Your Favorite Moviesio9

Inventor Waits 43 Years for Another Chance to Shock TechBB

The Conspiracy Theory Is True: Agents Infiltrate Websites Intending To "Manipulate, Deceive, And Destroy Reputations"ZH

What will life be like when digital brains outnumber humans?io9

Which movie was just too ahead of its time to be appreciated?io9

The dystopia of 1984 is no longer relevantio9

GCHQ Revealed: Inside Her Majesty's Listening ServiceSpiegel
The Snowden files have brought the shocking espionage activities of the UK's Government Communications Headquarters into the open. Former employees describe an agency with shifting goals, a strong honor code -- and an inferiority complex.

"Suomelle riittää vapaakauppaliitto"Verkkouutiset
Perussuomalaisten puheenjohtaja Timo Soini saneeraisi EU:n eikä eurokaan ole kiveen hakattu kysymys.

"Olipa hyvä ettei uskottu niitä jotka huusivat, että antaa Kreikan kaatua"Verkkouutiset
Pääministeri Jyrki Kataisen mukaan Kreikan taloudessa on tapahtunut edistystä, mutta maalla on vielä pitkä matka turvallisille vesille.

"Populistinen oikeisto haluaa vastakkainasettelua Euroopan kansojen välille"Verkkouutiset

Tässä tulee virkamieshallitusJouko Marttila

Keskuspankki ei voi olla valtion rahoituksen lähdeTuomas Malinen / US

Eurotalous kiristää vyötä kummastakin päästäJan Hurri / TalSa
Euroalue toipuu talouskriisistä muita talousmahteja hitaammin ja vaisummin. Tämä ei ole sattuma vaan rahaliiton rakennevikojen ja talouspolitiikan syytä. Näin sanoo eurotalouteen erikoistunut tutkija. Hän patistaa euromaita korjaamaan virheensä. Keinoja on kaksi: liittovaltio tai jäähyväiset eurolle.

FT: Suomen ja Saksan muistio syyttää komissiota hämäristä toimistaTalSa
Suomen ja Saksan valtiovarainministeriöt ovat toimittaneet Brysseliin kiukkuisen muistion komission toimista budjettikurin höllentämiseksi, Financial Times kertoo.

Taloutta kuvina 3-Suomi ja EUAuvo Rouvinen / US

Kreikan kaatumista vaatineet olivat väärässäIlkka Partanen / US
Ehkä paras tiivistys siitä, miksi Kokoomus on nykyisin ihan pihalla ja sekaisin. Katso myös kommenttiketju.

Putin pyytää lupaa käyttää sotilaallista voimaa Ukrainassa
Venäjän presidentti Vladimir Putin on pyytänyt lupaa maan parlamentin ylähuoneelta. Ylähuoneen puheenjohtaja on sanonut rajoitetun joukko-osaston lähettämisen olevan mahdollista.

Näin Venäjän hyökkäys Ukrainaan alkaisi: Desantit iskevät maalta, mereltä ja ilmastaSK
Tutkija: Putin haluaa muuttaa Euroopan voimatasapainon.

Ukrainan armeija määrätty taisteluvalmiuteenYLE

Venäjä parlamentin ylähuone hyväksyi voimatoimet UkrainassaYLE

Tuomioja: Venäjän toimet loukkaavat kansainvälistä oikeuttaHS

Turvallisuusneuvosto hätäkokoukseen Ukrainan tilanteestaHS

Kun apu on suurin...Jukka Hankamäki

Arvoisat kriminaalitJaskan puhantaa

Ukraina halkeaa ja tuottaa Eurooppaan vaikeaaValtteri Ahti / Evli / TalSa
Eput sen tiesivät. Ukraina tulisi jakaa itäiseen ja läntiseen osaan. Kansallisvaltion pilkkominen on edelleen tabu, johon tartutaan vain pakon edessä.