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Wednesday, February 20

20th Feb - Bullish #4026

Do bank lending developments justify a TLTRO? ABN AMRO
Bank lending to companies is slowing down and conditions are set to tighten * Officials signals ECB will react to slowdown

Trump Tariff Threat Leaves EU Looking for Plan BBB
How Europe can respond to the threat of a trade war.

Why are Eurozone countries still so indebted?FT

Bad Banks Really Do Hurt Your Economy BB
New research proves what the ECB has been arguing all along. The skeptics in Southern Europe should listen up.

Market Has Best Price Reaction To Negative EPS Surprises In Nine YearsZH

Five Things to Start Your Day AsiaBB

Five Things to Start Your Day EuropeBB

EU Open RundownRANsquawk

FirstFT Daily BriefingFT

Brussels BriefingFT
Franco-Dutch eurozone spats are about more than money. The tussle has introduced a different kind of culture clash in the eurozone: one of style as well as substance

Brussels EditionBB
How Significant Is Significant?

Brussels PlaybookPolitico
Orbán splits the EPP — China finally on Europe’s agenda — Decisions and consequences

Danske DailyDanske Bank
FOMC minutes to shed light on U-Turn

Eco Day Europe BB
Brexit-Era Trade, South Africa Budget, Japan's Exports * U.K. struggles to lock up trade agreements ahead of Brexit * Japanese shipments take another tumble amid sour global data

Daily Market CommentMarc Chandler
US-China Trade and Brexit Dominate Ahead of FOMC Minutes

Five Things to Start Your Day USBB

US Open RundownRANsquawk

US Open ZH
Global Stocks Hit 4 Month High As US Futures Drop Ahead Of Fed Minutes; Yuan Soars

Eco Day USBB
Fed Minutes, U.S.'s Yuan Demand, Brazil Pension Plan * ECB to discuss long-term loans soon, decision unclear: Praet * Brexit jobs boom has a flip side that’s holding economy back

Aamukatsaus Nordea
Tänään katseet kohdistuvat Fedin pöytäkirjaan, josta etsitään viitteitä rahapolitiikan suunnasta | Ruotsin inflaatioluvut hiipuivat vastoin odotuksia, kruunu heikentyi reippaasti | Iso-Britannian työmarkkinat edelleen kireät.

Jan Hurri: Seuraavakin kriisi kaatuu EKP:n syliinIS
Euroalueen vakausmekanismit tai -rahastot tuskin estävät uusia kriisejä. Vain EKP:llä on ison kriisin vaatimat vastavoimat – jos se vain saa ja tohtii käyttää niitä.