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Saturday, February 2

2nd Feb - Weekly Previews #4011

U.S. Weekly FundFlows Insight ReportLipper Alpha
Funds Experience Net Outflows Thanks to Equity Funds and Money Market Funds

Earnings InsightFactSet

Take Five: World markets themes for the week ahead Reuters

Key events in developed markets next weekING
It's back to the Brexit drawing board for Theresa May next week as she heads to Europe for more talks. But with the EU standing firm, is there any chance for a deal that parliament can agree on? Elsewhere, a backlog of delayed US data is due over the next few weeks following the end of the government shutdown

Fed turning a corner, but into which direction?

Week in FocusRansquawk

Week AheadNordea
Fed sent a clear and dovish message * US curve steepeners keep performing * Norwegian growth explosion amidst Swedish gloom

Weekly FocusDanske Bank
US: data after shutdown, FOMC speeches * Europe: Brexit talks, BoE’s uninteresting meeting

Macro WeeklyABN AMRO
Distortions, distortions, I am giving up, see you after Easter * It is increasingly hard to read the tea leaves of the global economy due to distortions * A few surprisingly good European indicators, but weakness persists * Further fall Asian PMIs

China Weekly Danske Bank
On track for a trade deal, first signs of a bottom in growth

Weekly Market CommentMarc Chandler
The Week Ahead is Mostly About Digestion
FX weekly: Is Powell turning into a MAGA-man? Nordea
The big U-turn by Powell is good news for our short USD view, even if the February liquidity headwind for USD may be smaller than anticipated. If one assumes that QE/QT only works via flow-effects, then an end to QT may be as positive as 66% of QE2.