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Wednesday, June 19

19th Jun - US Close: Post-Fedal Syndrome

Note that everything Fed-related is in my previous post.

Previously on MoreLiver’s:

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Roundups & Commentary
Markets – Between The Hedges
The Closer – alphaville / FT
US: The Deer Returns On Fears Bernanke's Training Wheels Are Coming Off – ZH

Consumption Gap in Euro Zone Widened in 2012WSJ
The gap between individual consumption in Germany and those euro-zone countries pursuing austerity programs and undergoing economic contractions continued to widen last year, according to figures from the European Union's official statistics agency Wednesday.

Statement by the IMF, EC, and ECB on the Greek Review MissionIMF

China Snugs, Signals Banks Should Get Used to ItMarc to Market
China's central bank continues its own snugging operation, keeping the money market rates at lofty levels.

EM sell-off: part 2beyondbrics / FT
After FOMC: As for EM debt, Sebastian Azumendi, head of LatAm credit trading at Mizuho, told beyondbrics: All the Treasuries have fallen apart. Benoit Anne over at Societe Generale thinks more pain could be on the way.

Hyväuskoinen innostujaIL
Jyrki Katainen oli tapansa mukaan fantastisen innostunut professori Pekka Himasen korkealentoisista ideoista.

Pitkän linjan talousvaikuttajat rummuttavat eurokritiikkiäTalSa
Eurokriisi on kestänyt kohta neljä vuotta. Kriisi on saanut Suomessakin useat eläköityneet virkamiehet kritisoimaan eurokriisin ratkaisutoimia ja koko rahaliittoa.