are the ”best” from my posts of the ending week.
The eurozone is in a unique situation. It is the issuer of the
second-most important currency, whose demand by the rest of the world is on the
rise. At the same time its trade surplus with the rest of the world increases. This requires innovative solutions.
Message to the Euro:
You’re Flying Too High – WSJ
Like a tired, broken record, the euro exchange rate again highlights the
impotence of a monetary structure that saddles the euro zone with short-sighted
deflationary policies when central banks everywhere else have been pulling out
all stops to reflate their economies.
Is Europe’s economic crisis mutating once again? If debt fears
are now being superseded by the danger of deflation, as recent data suggest, the
European Central Bank has its work cut out for it – and there is nothing to
suggest that it is up to the task.
The Eurozone: If only
it were the 1930s –
The legacy of public
debt resulting from the crisis in the Eurozone is a serious threat. Both the
size of the problem and the options to address it make life much more difficult
for policymakers than was the case in the late 1930s after the collapse of the
gold standard. For some countries, a ‘subservient’ central bank might be
preferable to the ECB.
More than 90 percent of economists surveyed by Bloomberg News said that
stress tests next year, in the final part of an ECB-led review of the euro
area’s most prominent banks, will be more credible than previous exercises
Continued financial
fragmentation will put ECB on the hook – Bruegel
Insufficient agreement on the banking union next week may force the ECB
to engage in non-standard monetary policy measures to fulfill its mandate
Deutsche Bank chief economist David Folkerts-Landau said that at some
point the ECB will likely have to revert to “genuine QE,” amid very weak
inflation and stagnant economic activity.
Praet: the ECB is considering forcing banks to hold capital against
sovereign debt, meaning it would no longer be treated as risk-free. He added
that such an approach would make “it unlikely that the banks will use central
bank liquidity to excessively increase their exposure to sovereign debt.”
Monthly Bulletin, December 2013 – ECB
Bondholders and large depositors
in a failing European bank face losses from the start of 2016, EU negotiators
agreed on Wednesday, in a deal to spare taxpayers from further bailouts.
hardship in Spain looks likely to continue as
loan defaults surge and the unemployment rate remains the second highest in the
The Federal Reserve
wants to taper. Wants very badly to
taper, in my opinion. The recent
employment reports seem to be giving a green light… Whether December or January
or later, policy is close to an inflection point with a shift from more to less
accommodation in the works.
1) Tapering 2) A change to the forward guidance thresholds 3) Adding an inflation
floor to the existing thresholds 4) A
small reduction in IOER 5) Other stuff
Krugman pointed out that whether a government finances itself through bond
purchases, which are later bought by the Fed, or whether it prints money
directly, makes no difference.
Fed Scorecard: Where
Do Officials Stand on Tapering? – WSJ
Fed officials haven’t sent a clear signal of what they are likely to do.
The critics of the program remain eager to start winding it down, while the
supporters generally have been noncommittal about what they want to do at the
Taper Or No Taper -
What The FOMC Has Really Said – ZH
Deutsche believes there is a chance that the Fed’s institutional biases
lead it to taper earlier then the economic data might suggest is optimal.
Confusion Over The
Fed's [December|January|March] Taper – ZH
A record year for stocks. A meh year for wages. A weird year for Wall
Robert Shiller says mismatch between Eugene Fama's findings and theories
must make him feel like a priest who has discovered God does not exist
Generations of hedge
funds rose and fell; FX Concepts endured. Then, the unshakeable disintegrated.
So how did John Taylor’s steady reign end in ruin?
Auttaako edes nollakorko
eurotaloutta liisteristä? – Jan
Hurri / TalSa
EKP ei koske korkoihin enää tänä vuonna mutta ensi
vuonna koskee: keväällä ohjauskorko painuu nollaan ja pysyy pohjassa jopa
vuosikymmenen loppuun. Tämä ei ole hyvä uutinen vaan kertoo, että eurotalous on
liisterissä vielä pitkän aikaa. Näin uskovat ekonomistit, jotka varoittavat
eurotaloutta uhkaavasta "iäisyystaantumasta".
Suomi haihattelee – ja ui
ajopuuna liittovaltioon
– Jan
Hurri / TalSa
EU-selonteko saa vasta julkistetuissa asiantuntijalausunnoissa osin kolean
vastaanoton. Valtiovarainministeriön entinen huippuvirkamies Peter Nyberg
kaataa hallituksen niskaan jäävettä. Hänen mukaansa Suomen EU-politiikka on
haihattelua, joka vie meitä tahdottomana ajopuuna kohti liittovaltiota.
EKP:n pääjohtaja Mario Draghi vakuuttaa, että euroalue
ei ole 1990-luvun Japani eikä euroalue ole pelätyllä "Japanin tiellä"
menossa deflatoriseen talousanemiaan. Oikein ja väärin: euroalue ei ole yhtä
heikossa kunnossa kuin Japani – euroalue on heikompi kuin Japani oli kymmenen
vuotta oman kriisinsä alkamisesta.
Brysselin kone: Sisäinen devalvaatio vai irti
eurosta? – YLE
Törnqvist on sitä mieltä, että jos Suomi haluaa olla kilpailukykyinen, niin
sillä on edessään kaksi vaihtoehtoa. Sisäinen tai ulkoinen 20-30 % devalvaatio.
Brysselin kone: Matkalla tiukempaan
talouskuriin – YLE
EU:n harjoittamasta
jäsenvaltioiden talouksien ohjauksesta puhuu Taneli Lahti, joka toimii
komission varapuheenjohtaja Olli Rehnin kabinetissa neuvonantajana.
Talousennuste — Suomi elpyy rakenteellisten
ongelmien varjossa –
synkkänä Suomen taloudesta – TalSa
Hallituksen rakennepaketti ehdottoman välttämätön – Verkkouutiset
LähiTapiolan suhdannekatsaus 2/2013 – Sijoitustalous
Järvinen: Suomen teollisuustuotanto on painunut vuoden 2003 tasolle – AP
ennuste: "Suomen vientisektori ei välttämättä toivu totutulla
tavalla" – TE
Euro ja talous 5/2013: Talouden näkymät – Suomen
Julkisen talouden kestävyys edellyttää rakenneohjelmaa – Suomen
rakenneuudistukset ja julkisen talouden kestävyys – Suomen