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Sunday, May 4

4th May - W/E: Markets, Economics, Off-Topic, Finnish

Previously on MoreLiver’s:

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We are in May–Should we Sell and Go Away?Turnkey Analyst
5 Things To Ponder: Sell In May & Go Awaydshort

New format on Quant Corner starts next weekTradingFloor

The decline and fall of trading as a money maker for giant banksQuartz

On the intriguing drop in commodity correlationFT
Banks exiting commodities could be behind the correlation reversal, which in and of itself is statistically meaningful and therefore worth observing.

Why it is Hard to Win in InvestingAleph blog

Lessons from my Adventures as a Nanny TraderSMB

Three Best Practices for Turning Trading Stress Into PerformanceTraderfeed

Hedge Funds and the 40-Year CycleCatallactic

Things That Make You Go Hmmm...Grant Williams / ZH

The Rise of Corporate ImpunityPro Publica
Meet the only Wall St. executive prosecuted as a result of the financial crisis. Has justice been served?

Martin Wolf proposes the death of bankingCoppola Comment

Financial intermediation and shadow banking through commoditiesFT

Prominent Economists Call for End to Fractional Reserve BankingZH

The funny money debate rumbles onFT

Berkshire Hathaway’s 2014 Shareholder MeetingNYT
Recap: The 2014 Berkshire Hathaway Annual MeetingWSJ

A Critique of Piketty's Solution to Widening Wealth InequalityCharles Hugh Smith

Antibiotic resistance: The drugs don’t workThe Economist

Why This Movie Perfectly Re-Created a Picasso, Destroyed It, and Mailed the Evidence to Picasso’s EstateVanity Fair
Inside the world of legal art forgery, for the sake of movies—what led Julian Schnabel to wreck a fake Picasso, Scarlett Johansson to learn paint grinding, and George Clooney to fill a room full of fake, styrofoam frames.

The Snowden Saga: A Shadowland of Secrets and LightVanity Fair
Whether hero or traitor, former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden is the most important whistle-blower of modern times, one whose disclosures will reverberate for decades to come. With extensive input from Snowden himself, Suzanna Andrews, Bryan Burrough, and Sarah Ellison have the spy-novel-worthy tale of how a geeky dropout from the Maryland suburbs found himself alone and terrified in a Hong Kong hotel room, spilling America’s most carefully guarded secrets to the world.

Perfection AnxietyVanity Fair
After spending $19 million on their wedding, and $85 million on an L.A. mansion, James Stunt and Petra Ecclestone have purchased one of Britain’s great cultural treasures, a 17th-century, $20 million Van Dyck. So, what’s it like to have too much money? Very stressful.

One Startup’s Struggle to Survive the Silicon Valley Gold RushWired

7 Ways To Knock An Hour Off Your Work DayFast Company

5 Books That Will Change Your LifeFarnam Street

Saksan menestys ja Suomi – on harhakuvitelma uskoa Saksan edun olevan Suomen etuTyhmyri

Miksi Suomessa kaikki on kielletty?Hannu Visti

Kreikan selviytyminen veloistaanSirpa Abdallah / US

Lipponen, Katainen ja maan etuPaavo Väyrynen / US

Sedillä on teille asiaaHenri Myllyniemi / US

Euro ja turvallisuuspoliittinen harha – keksittyjen puolusteluiden ketju jatkuuTyhmyri

Professori: "Synkkyyden lähettiläs" paljasti eliitin masinoinninTalSa
Professorit kritisoivat OP-Pohjolan pääjohtajan Reijo Karhinen lausuntoja, joissa tämä syyttää poliitikkoja, yritysjohtajia ja mediaa synkkyyden lietsomisesta. Tutkijoiden mukaan Karhinen on ollut itse luomassa "hulluuden huippua" ja yksinkertaistaa asioita liikaa.

Kahdeksan askelta tuloeroista velkakriisiinJan Hurri / TalSa
Tuloerojen kasvaminen ei ole vain poliittinen tai moraalinen ongelma. Sen sijaan tuloerot ovat koko talouden tärkeä taustamuuttuja. Maailmantalouden tasapainokysymyksiä tutkinut talousprofessori nimeää tuloerojen liiallisen kasvun jopa velkakriisin tärkeäksi alkutekijäksi. Hän listaa kahdeksan askelta tuloeroista kriisiin ja suurtyöttömyyteen.

Investointipankkiiri Kreikan tukidokumenteista: ”Karmeaa luettavaa”Uusi Suomi