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Saturday, December 15

15th Dec - Weekender: Off-Topic & Finnish

Previously on MoreLiver’s:

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What Will 2030 Look Like?Above The Market
The National Intelligence Council is composed of the 17 U.S. government intelligence agencies.  The Council’s Global Trends Report has, since 1997, worked with a variety of experts both in and out of government service to examine factors such as globalization, demography and the environment to produce a forward-looking document to aid policymakers in their long-term planning on key issues of worldwide importance.

17 Things I Learned From Reading Every Last Word of The Economist’s “The World in 2013” Issue6th floor / NYT

110 Predictions For the Next 110 YearsPopular Mechanics

Operation DeliriumThe New Yorker
Decades after a risky Cold War experiment, a scientist lives with secrets.

Hitler Has a Following in IndiaBusinessweek

Portuguese drug policy shows that decriminalisation can work, but only with other policieseuropp / LSE
There are four ways to get fired from CaesarsAndrew Gelman
Theft, sexual harassment, running an experiment without a control group, and keeping a gambling addict away from the casino

Identity floored: Can gambling addicts be identified in gambling venues?Dr Mark Griffith

NASA Eyes Mission to Jupiter Moon

Our never ending obsession with the apocalypseBBC

Alan Turing: Scientists call for pardon for codebreakerBBC
Some of Britain's leading scientists have called on the government to grant a posthumous pardon to Bletchley Park codebreaker Alan Turing.

How to get back to the Moon in seven stepsBBC
Forty years after the last Apollo flight to the Moon, our space correspondent examines the options facing companies and countries contemplating their own giant leap for mankind.

Zero Dark Thirty: CIA hagiography, pernicious propagandaThe Guardian
As it turns out, the film as a political statement is worse than even its harshest early critics warned

Why animals also seek teenage kicksBBC
Humans aren’t the only impulsive risk-takers in their youth. Other animals behave badly, and it’s a vital part of their education.

Dear FriendsLetters of Note
On December 14th of 1999, a few weeks after discovering he had colon cancer, cartoonist Charles Schulz wrote the following open letter

FT Alphaville geek shirts for charity!alphaville / FT
Auction closes Dec 19, 9am

Your at-a-glance guide to psychology in 2012The British Psychological Society

Google Chairman Says Android Winning Mobile War With Apple: TechBB

Exclusive: Larry Page on GoogleFortune
The press-shy Google CEO talks about mobile computing, his tussles with Apple -- and the future of search.

What Google Sees in New Hire, Futurist Ray KurzweilMIT Technology Review
Kurzweil is best known for predictions of immortality but has also created speech recognition technology

Augmented Light Bulb Turns a Desk Into a Touch ScreenMIT Technology Review
A computer that can be screwed into a light socket can project interactive images onto any nearby surface.

The Fundamental Physics Prize: In with a bangBabbage / The Economist

Buffett Joins Soros in Effort to Raise Taxes on EstatesBB

Will “The Hobbit” Start A 48 FPS Movie Revolution?co.create
"The Hobbit" introduces high frame rate moviemaking to cinemagoers after 85 years of 24 fps. Detractors say it ruins the cinema fantasy; here’s why it’s innovators say it’s here to stay.

X-37B US military space plane launches for third flightBBC
A notoriously mysterious military space plane operated by the US Air Force has launched from Florida, the third flight in a secretive test programme.

The National Intelligence Council’s New Reportbig think
Nuggets from the National Intelligence Council’s (NIC’s) new, highly anticipated report, Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds.

Suomi viimeisellä rannallaPS

Kun mustaa maalataan valkeaksiHenri Myllyniemi / US Puheenvuoro

Soini: Iso mätä pesii EspanjassaIS

Ifon Sinn TE:lle: Tämä räjähtää vielä silmilleTalSa
Saksalaisen Ifo-tutkimuslaitoksen johtaja tukee Suomen vakuusvaatimuksia ja varoittaa euron pelastusyrityksistä.

EK:n pomo: Olemme Etelä-Euroopan tielläTE

Syksyn satoaeuroetana
Eurokriisi on syksyn aika laantunut harmaaksi eurostoankeudeksi, mutta se ei ole lannistanut ainakaan Suomen hallitusta ja eduskuntaa, jotka ovat jatkaneet ponnistelujaan paremman ja vakaamman rahaliiton rakentamiseksi. Työn tuloksena on syntynyt vino pino lakiesityksiä, tiedonantoja ja selvityksiä, jotka syksyn osalta on listattu alle tutkittavaksenne ja muisteltavaksenne.