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Monday, February 18

18th Feb - US 'Close'

Previously on MoreLiver’s:
Weekender: Off-Topic (not markets-related!)
Weekender: The World (Europe, US, Asia)
Weekender: Weekly Support (weekly briefings)
Weekender: Best of the Week (from my last week’s posts)

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Roundups & Commentary

The Closer – alphaville / FT
The Collateral Damage of Europe’s RescueProject Syndicate
Hans-Werner Sinn: Europe’s rescue policy has stabilized government finances and delivered lower interest rates for the over-indebted economies. But it has also led to currency appreciation, and thus to lower competitiveness for all eurozone countries, which may yet turn into a debacle for the southern eurozone and France – and for the euro itself.

The technical competence of economic
The appointments of Papademos in Greece and Monti in Italy in 2011 are examples of leadership changes meant to bring more competent people into government. This column aims at understanding why governments sometimes appoint economic policymakers with economics training but often do not. It suggests that levels of economics education among finance ministers are substantially higher in new democracies than in old ones and that the appointment of an economics PhD as a central bank president is 22% more likely during a banking crisis.

Why aren't more countries run by economists?Wonkblog / WP

Draghi dismisses talk of currency war, but watching euroReuters
Draghi sought to take the heat out of a debate about currency wars on Monday but said the ECB would still have to assess the economic impact of the euro's strength.

Mario Draghi’s Introductory StatementECB

at the hearing of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament


The Chicago Plan - are you ready for the real helicopter money?TradingFloor

Steen Jakobsen: Here's what you need to know about The Chicago Plan - which is likely to be the next monetary experiment once QE to infinity fails to do the trick and in the absence of structural reform.

As spring approaches, will the corporate sector expansion peak once again?Sober Look

A General Theory of Dow Cycles – “History Repeats”The Big Picture

These 10 Stocks Account For Over 20% Of The S&P 500's Market CapZH

The Japanese Yen Is Still 80% Over-ValuedZH

Key Macro Events In The Coming WeekZH

Overview of the Capital Markets on MondayMarc to Market


80 % verottajalleNordea
Verotuksen kireys korostuu, kun omalla työllä ansaitulla palkalla yritetään maksaa palkkaa jollekin toiselle. Pitää tehdä kauan töitä, että voi maksaa toiselle yhden päivän palkan. Työkaverin kannattaa ottaa palkaton vapaapäivä ja tehdä itse asia, jonka asiantuntija tekisi parissa tunnissa. Yhteiskunnan voimavaroja ei käytetä tehokkaasti ja verottaja jää ilman verotuloja.

Myisitkö asuntosi eläkevakuutuksesta?TalSa
Jos valtio muuttaisi kertamaksullisen eläkesijoittamisen verotusta, keskituloisen kuusikymppisen kannattaisi myydä asunto ja sijoittaa rahat elinikäiseen eläkevakuutukseen. Näin ehdottaa Etlan tuore tutkimus.

Suomen asuntosijoittajat ry:n asuntomarkkinkatsauspiksu

Komissaari Rehnin erehdys?Akateeminen talousblogi

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