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Sunday, August 18

19th Aug - Weekender: Linkfest

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Brussels blog round up 10 – 16 AugustEuropp / LSE
Eurozone exits recession, Egypt in crisis, and how should politicians use Twitter?

Analysis: One swallow doesn't make a summer for euro zoneReuters
The cheery freeze frame of the euro zone economy last quarter is no guarantee of a happy ending to what has been a horror movie for most of the single currency bloc since the onset of the great financial crisis.

Finally—the euro zone economy is growing againQuartz
A recovery at last, but no revelationThe Economist
Even with so much lost ground to make up, the medium-term outlook is for a lacklustre recovery in the euro area, which will continue to be held back by its dodgy banks.

The riddle of Europe’s single currency with many valuesFT
The euro is not worth the same across the region – Spain and Germany have different currencies

EU wants one definition of bad loans for bank testsReuters
Banks across the European Union will be asked to use a single definition for bad loans in the upcoming review of their loan books, a senior EU regulatory source told Reuters, making it harder for banks to conceal the state of their businesses behind local conventions.

Eurobonds at 50 Threatened by EU Transaction TaxBB
The tax regime that’s been the backbone of the Eurobond market since its inception 50 years ago is now threatened by the same regulatory overhaul driving corporate borrowers to issue bonds rather than take bank loans.

Global Central Bank Focus August 2013: Purgatory Is HeavenPIMCO
Since June, the Fed has stressed three messages: Tapering is not tightening, the federal funds rate will not move in tandem with a slowdown in asset purchases, and any change in Fed policy will rely on data, rather than a date. If Ben Bernanke leaves the Fed when his term expires, whoever is chosen to replace him will be bound by rules and the strength of the institution.

The Fed's "2016" Problem, Or Why The Taper May Just Be A SideshowZH

One option for the Fed: Taper, but tinyWonkblog / WP

Podcast: Fed Fears in FocusMoneyBeat / WSJ
What the latest round of Fed fears mean for investors and what market participants should do ahead of next month’s Fed meeting.

Janet Yellen called the housing bust and has been mostly right on jobs. Does she have what it takes to lead the Fed?Wonkblog / WP

Wall Street clashes with regulators over repo market reformsReuters
Wall Street banks are arguing that a proposal from U.S. regulators intended to rein in risk taking could severely hurt the $7 trillion repurchase market, a critical source of short-term loans in the financial system.

The US housing recovery has not produced the economic boom some had expectedSober Look

Treasury Yields in Perspectivedshort

China: A bubble in pessimismThe Economist

Strategy: Still bull market but Fed to add volatilityDanske Bank (pdf)

Warren Buffett, age 44, explains the futility of playing the marketQuartz
In 1975, shortly after joining the board of the Washington Post Company, Warren Buffett wrote a letter to the chairman and chief executive, Katherine Graham. He had some advice as to how the company should invest its pension accounts.

What's the Matter With the Global Economy?The Atlantic
Europe's Recession Finally Ends Just as China Fades

The Tag Team that Crushed the Middle ClassThe Atlantic
A new paper argues that globalization has increased joblessness, while computers have increased inequality.

Are Machines Really Taking Our Jobs?The Atlantic
A brief history of technological progress and why it's not necessarily a bad thing

Transportation Follies: Designs for a Future that Never CameSpiegel
US entrepreneur Elon Musk recently unveiled plans for a train that would travel at speeds of up to 1,200 kilometers an hour. As promising as his design might be, skeptics would argue he's merely continuing a long tradition of revolutionary transit concepts which inevitably end up thwarted by reality.

The complete guide to getting into an economics PhD programQuartz

Software's Final Frontier: A Conversation With Charles SimonyiThe Atlantic

A Guide to the Web's Growing Set of Free Image CollectionsThe Atlantic
Put Rembrandt on your report, Twitter profile or toilet paper

Google is preparing for screenless computersQuartz

The Drone Debate: The Killing MachinesThe Atlantic
How to think about drones

Jobs's Great-Man Theory of TechnologyThe Atlantic
The new biopic doesn't just portray Steve Jobs as a jerk, it justifies and glorifies his ruthless, uncompromising vision.

Chasing CoincidencesNautilus
Statistics: Why it’s hard to recognize the unlikely.

Code Name 'Kid': American Stasi Spy Tells His StorySpiegel
One of East Germany's top spies was actually an American soldier. Jeff Carney defected to the Communist state in 1983 and fed the notorious Stasi with reams of valuable information. He has now written a book about his experiences.

Here’s what ‘Breaking Bad’ gets right, and wrong, about the meth businessWonkblog / WP

Merchants of Meth: How Big Pharma Keeps the Cooks in BusinessMother Jones
With big profits on the line, the drug industry is pulling out campaign-style dirty tricks to keep selling the meds that cooks turn into crank.

Feeding the Kiddie Slate
A brief history of the children’s menu.

World’s Most Influential Thinkers RevealedMIT Technology Review
Want to become a leading thinker? A new network analysis reveals the thinkers who most influence the rest of us and suggests ways to join this elite list

The Race to Build a Better Business ClassNYT
Aircraft seating: The future of business classThe Economist

Can media tell the truth?: Why all journalism is “opinion” journalismCraig Willy

How A 'Deviant' Philosopher Built Palantir, A CIA-Funded Data-Mining JuggernautForbes

The U.S. Soldier Who Defected to North KoreaThe Atlantic
... and now lives in Japan selling crackers

Jobs's Great-Man Theory of TechnologyThe Atlantic
The new biopic doesn't just portray Steve Jobs as a jerk, it justifies and glorifies his ruthless, uncompromising vision.

Eurojärjestelmästä ja poliittisista tavoitteistaValtteri Aaltonen / US Puheenvuoro

Kolmas kerta sadassa vuodessa – uhkaako asuntokupla jälleen?TalSa
Suomessa asuntojen hinnat ovat erittäin korkealla. Viimeiseen sataan vuoteen mahtuu kaksi pahaa asuntokuplaa. Asiantuntijat kertovat, toistaako asuntokuplien historia pian itseään.

Eri euromaiden tilanne (bkt)Henri Myllyniemi / Piksu

Jalostusaste, lama ja länsimainen massabrändiHannu Visti

Olli Rehn harkitsee ehdokkuutta EU:n huipulleHS
Euroliberaalien ykkösehdokkaana Rehn saattaisi nousta unionissa yhä ylemmäs

Näkökulma: Sotkeeko Olli Rehn kokoomuksen pasmat?HS

Ekonomistit: Devalvointi ei pelastaisi SuomeaHS

Suomen teollisuuden luvut EU:n synkimmästä päästäHS

"Riitelevät" Väyrynen ja Rehn samaan ryhmään?Verkkouutiset

Tässä on ekonomistien palkkaratkaisu SuomelleTalSa
Työnantajat ja palkansaajat lipuvat kohti syksyn työmarkkinaneuvotteluja. Neuvotteluista voi tulla myrskyisät, mutta minkälainen palkkaratkaisu selviää myrskyn läpi? Taloussanomat haastatteli 12:ta ekonomistia. Lue, minkälaista palkkaratkaisua ekonomistit tarjoavat Suomelle.