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Monday, August 5

5th Aug - US Close

Previously on MoreLiver’s:

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Roundups & Commentary
Markets – Between The Hedges
The Closer – alphaville / FT
US: Lowest Volume Day Of Year Ends With Hindenburg Omen – ZH

Europe’s Fake NormalProject Syndicate
Mohamed El-Erian : This summer’s sense of economic normality in Europe is neither natural nor necessarily tenable in the long term, because it reflects temporary and potentially reversible factors. If Europe does not return to addressing its economic challenges in a more comprehensive manner, the current calm may quickly give way to renewed turmoil.

A Summer of Love for EU Banks?WSJ

Threats to a European reboundalphaville / FT

Bullish PMIs Complicate U.K.’s Inflation PictureWSJ

Board Concludes 2013 Article IV ConsultationIMF
France: 2013 Article IV ConsultationIMF
France: Selected Issues PaperIMF

Fed Survey: Banks eased lending standardsCalculated Risk
"experienced stronger demand in most loan categories"

  ISM Non-Manufacturing
Big Positive Reversal – Bespoke
At 56.0 indicates faster expansion in July – Calculated Risk
Biggest One Month Move Since April 2009 – ZH

Board Concludes 2013 Article IV Consultation DiscussionsIMF
Japan: 2013 Article IV ConsultationIMF
Japan: Selected IssuesIMF
Japan’s Three Arrows―Will They Fly?iMFdirect

Is the service sector surge global?alphaville / FT

Stephen King's latest horror tale: The future of the global economyWonkblog / WP
Stephen D. King may not be the author of "The Shining" or "Carrie," but that doesn't mean his new book doesn't offer a vision of a world with more, er, Misery. King, the chief economist of HSBC, argues in "When the Money Runs Out: The End of Western Affluence" that the rapid growth in the second half of the 20th century was an anomaly, and that with a return to a slower pace of growth citizens of leading Western nations need to re-adjust their expectations. We spoke recently on his trip to Washington; this transcript has been edited for length and clarity.

Lender of Last Resort (LLR) – välttämättömyys jota ei euromailla oleTyhmyri

Suomen valtion tasekuplaPauli Vahtera

Kukkahatut ovat pilanneet maailmanKeronen

Kauppa romahti keväällä - Suurin kato erikoiskaupoissaTE

Kuluttajat karkaavat ulkomaisiin verkkokauppoihinTalSa

Kokoomuksen kuristusote on myrkkyä SDP:lleImatralainen

Haglund: Guggenheim haluaa valtion mukaan rahoittamaan museohankettaYLE

Euroalueen vähittäismyynti kääntyi taas laskuunTalSa

Mielipide: Kilpailukykyongelma sälytetään palkansaajilleHS