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Thursday, September 12

12th Sep - US Open

Previously on MoreLiver’s:

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Roundups & Commentary
Frontrunning – ZH
Overnight: Futures Flat In Absense Of Overnight Ramp – ZH
The Lunch Wrap – alphaville / FT
Emerging N.Y. headlines – beyondbrics / FT
EU daily news – Europa
Daily press summary – Open Europe
Morning MoneyBeat: Stock Investors Shrug off Rising Rates – WSJ
Morning Bond Update – TradingFloor
Aussie-Kiwi Pulled in Opposite Directions, Yen Recovery Extended – Marc to Market

Reduce policy uncertainty to solidify EZ recovery
The Eurozone is recovering but the revival is fragile – ringed by downside risks. This column argues that three steps – reducing policy uncertainty, repairing the financial system, and creating new investment opportunities – are essential. They could switch the negative confidence-growth feedback loop into a positive one, thus paving the way to robust medium-term growth. There is no room for complacency or procrastination.

Live blog: Mark Carney at parliamentMoney Supply / FT

Romantic Germany risks economic decline as green dream spoilsThe Telegraph
Germany is committing slow economic suicide. It has staked its future on heavy industry and manufacturing, yet has no energy policy to back this up.

Austerity could create 25mn more poor Europeanseuobserver
Up to 25 million more people in Europe are at risk of poverty by 2025 if governments continue with austerity policies, international aid agency Oxfam has said.

Tobacco firms under fire for EU lobbyingeuobserver
Lobbying by firms such as Philip Morris risks destroying the EU's new tobacco-control law, senior policy makers have said.

State of the Union Address: ‘Mixed messages’Presseurop

Dispute with ECB: European Parliament Delays Banking Union VoteSpiegel
The European Parliament has delayed an important vote on the euro zone banking union that will see the most important financial institutions placed under the supervisory of the European Central Bank. Members of parliament want greater ECB accountability.

Monthly Bulletin, September 2013ECB (pdf)
Statistics Pocket Book, September 2013ECB (pdf)

Italian market testMacroScope / Reuters
Italian bond yields have already clambered above Spain’s for the first time in 18 months which is bonkers if you look only at the underlying economic fundamentals.

Catalonia: ‘Time is running out’Presseurop
Several hundred thousand people took part in the Catalan Way, a human chain extending over 400km along the region’s borders on September 11,

BOJ Beat: Spotlight Still on Fed PolicyWSJ
Minutes from the last Bank of Japan policy meeting show that one thing continues to bother the central bank: the possible spillover effect of the Federal Reserve's expected move to scale back its bond-buying program.

Global FI Strategy: A September to rememberNordea (pdf)
With less than a week to go before the long-awaited September FOMC meeting, the market is finding itself in a wait-and-see mode (summary).

Rahoituksen kallistuminen uhkaa pohjoismaisia asuntomarkkinoitaKai Nyman / Piksu

"Teollisuuden valitus kustannuskilpailukyvystä turhaa – olisi pitänyt ajatella aiemmin"Verkkouutiset
Suomessa on pidetty esillä kustannuskilpailukykyä, mutta todellinen ongelma on reaalisessa kilpailukyvyssä. Vanhat tuotteet eivät käy kaupaksi, oli hinta mikä tahansa, sanovat Ulkopolitiikka-lehden haastattelemat asiantuntijat.

Täällä Bryssel - Eija-Riitta KorholaYLE
EU:n tupakkadirektiivin uusimisesta kertoo pakinassaan eurokansanedustaja Eija-Riitta Korhola (kuvassa) Strasbourgista.

EU on rajoittamassa puun polttoaYLE
Puupolttoaineelle kaavaillut kestävyyskriteerit huolestuttavat suomalaisia metsänomistajia. Pelkona on, että EU-säädökset lisäävät myös byrokratiaa.

Kiinteistöveroon tulossa mojova korotusTE

Aika romuttaa kliseet maahanmuutostaTilastokeskus blogi

Koko kaupan myynti kasvoi heinäkuussa 1% YoY – Tilastokeskus
Rakennusyritysten liikevaihto väheni huhti-kesäkuussa lähes 2% YoY – Tilastokeskus