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Monday, September 9

9th Sep - US Close

Previously on MoreLiver’s:

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Roundups & Commentary
Markets – Between The Hedges
Recap – Global Macro Trading

Daily Risk Monitor – Global Macro Monitor
The Closer – alphaville / FT
US: Stock Bulls Pleased, Shorts Squeezed, Bond Bulls Teased– ZH

Spain – The Recession May Be Ending But The Crisis ContinuesEconomonitor

Italy's Challenges MountMarc to Market

The Complete German Election Preview: The Worst Case ScenarioZH

European Union: A catatonic powerPresseurop
Whether it’s about coming up with a common position on the Syrian conflict or defending its conquests in the area of new technologies, Europe seems unable to respond to the challenges of the world. Is it still capable of a turn-around?

Is the Riksbank neglecting the price-stability objective, counteracting full employment, and increasing household debt?
Sweden’s average inflation has consistently undershot its inflation target. This column argues that this has led to higher average unemployment and a higher household-debt ratio. Lars E.O. Svensson, a former Deputy Governor of the Riksbank, argues that Sweden’s central bank is not fulfilling its mandate.

Fed’s Williams Says to Spot Bubbles Throw Out Idea Investors Are RationalWSJ
Fed Uberdove Admits Policy Causes Asset Bubbles (And They're Here To Stay)ZH
Fed’s Williams: Closer to Fed’s Marker of ‘Substantial Improvement’ in Labor MarketWSJ

This Day in Crisis History: Sept. 9, 2008WSJ

2008 financial crisis: Could it happen again?USA Today

Financial Crisis: Lessons of the Rescue, A Drama in Five ActsWSJ

Emerging Markets Preview of Key Data and Policy MeetingsMarc to Market

The IMF knows that the Fed is playing with fire in emerging marketsThe Telegraph
Listen to the IMF's Christine Lagarde very carefully… She warned over the weekend that Fed tapering could ricochet back into the US economy if handled carelessly.

Next stop, dishwashersalphaville / FT
Team at Goldman are trying to give a sense of where different countries stand on this “Ladder of Spending,” using 2012 data.

Syria hardly has any oil. So why does it matter so much to oil markets?Wonkblog / WP
1) Markets are worried about the prospect of wider war. 2) Markets aren’t just worried about Syria. They’re also worried about Libya, Iraq, and Egypt 3) The world can’t deal with minor oil disruptions as well as it used to.

Insecurity Drives China’s Syria PolicyThe Diplomat

Syria and the World Oil MarketEconoMonitor

Why Syria Could Become More Nasty Than Iraq or LibyaEconmatters

New Financial ForecastsNordea (pdf)
Or read the summary.

Key Events And Issues In The Coming WeekZH

Salattu muistio valottaa Koiviston tuomioistuin-kritiikkiä pankkikiistoissaYLE
Mitä presidentti Koivisto puhui tuomareille Presidentinlinnassa 6. toukokuuta 1992? Koiviston on väitetty tilaisuudessa painostaneen tuomioistuimia tekemään pankeille edullisia ratkaisuja pankkien ja velallisten oikeuskiistoissa.

"Koiviston konklaavin" osallistujat muistelevat: näin presidentti fundeerasiYLE
Yle Uutiset on haastatellut useita presidentti Mauno Koiviston järjestämään oikeuspoliittiseen keskustelutilaisuuteen osallistuneita tuomareita ja oikeusoppineita.

Koiviston konklaavi 1992 - irvokas näytelmä oikeusvaltiossaJyrki Virolainen

"Saksan malli on katastrofi"Paavo Teittinen / TalSa
Saksan malli herättää kateutta muissa euromaissa. Maan valtiovarainministeriön entinen korkein virkamies kertoo Taloussanomille, mitä mieltä hän on kotimaansa talousmallista ja sen sopivuudesta Suomelle.

Eurokriisi ei ole ohiJussi Niinistö / US Puheenvuoro
(itse kirjoituksessa ei uutta, mutta jälkikeskustelu hyvää)

Eläkeikä noussut reilusti yli tavoitteenTilastokeskuksen blogi

Euroopan pankkisektori on yhä liian suuriSK