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Saturday, September 14

14th Sep - Weekender: Economics, Markets, Off-topics, Finnish

Previously on MoreLiver’s:

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[Focus] Alternative fuels overvieweuobserver

On the meaning of inflationFree exchange / The Economist

Capital is Back: Wealth Ratios over Several CenturiesCarola Binder

Preparing for Takeoff? Professional Forecasters and the June 2013 FOMC MeetingNY FED

Why Labor’s Share of Income Is FallingEconomix / NYT

How the cult of shareholder value wrecked American businessWonkblog / WP

26 Market Wisdoms from Warren BuffettStocktwits

Why Have Markets Learned Nothing in the Last 50 Years?BB

What would Milton Friedman have thought of market monetarism?The Money Illusion

Top 10 trading commercials (and why)all about alpha

Why Keynes wouldn’t have too rosy a view of our economic futureWonkblog / WP

Low Interest Rates, Savers, and the RecoveryNoahpinion

Demographics and inflation: international graphsInterfluidity

What’s Liquidity and Why Do We Need It?BB

People make the same basic investment decisions as monkeys, scientists findQuartz

The dangers of debt: Lending weightThe Economist

Woodford and the QE tradeoffs, revisitedalphaville / FT

Excel monkeys unite! For today, we are cancelling the circular reference!alphaville / FT

Export-market exit during the crisis: Evidence from the
International trade has declined dramatically due to the Global Crisis. This column presents new empirical research from the UK suggesting that firms that have left the export market will find it very hard to re-enter. Firms that have exited during the Global Crisis are now more heavily indebted and less liquid than before, and they also face a higher firm-specific interest rate. It’s now as hard for once-exporting firms to re-enter as it is for firms wanting to export for the first time. More and more firms – big and small – will rely on export promotion policies designed for first-timers.

Retired General to Economists: Economic Stability Drives National SecurityWSJ

Woodford’s Theories Rooted in Japan Slump Embraced by BernankeBB

New film takes a whack at warped Fed policies in the land of never-ending bubblesMacroscope / Reuters

Procyclical Behavior of Institutional Investors During the Recent Financial Crisis: Causes, Impacts, and ChallengesIMF
Procyclical investment behavior is understandable and may be considered rational from an individual institution’s perspective. However, our main conclusion is that behaving in a manner consistent with longterm investing would lead to better long-term, risk-adjusted returns and, importantly, could lessen the potential adverse effects of the procyclical investment behavior of institutional investors on global financial stability.

The Digest guide to ... influencing peopleBPS
The Digest guide to ... creativityBPS
The Digest guide to ... willpowerBPS

Why Are You Not Dead Yet?Slate
Life expectancy doubled in the past 150 years. Here’s why.

Things Fall ApartNYT
Philosophy and science don’t always answer the questions they pose — sometimes they get over them.

The New Science of MindNYT

The Geeks on the front lines Rolling Stone
The Tech IntellectualsDemocracy
The good, bad, and ugly among our new breed of cyber-critics, and the economic imperatives that drive them.

This Man Moved to a Desert Island to Disappear. Here's What HappenedThe New Republic

City’s dawn ravers are happy party morning peopleFT
In a red-brick warehouse in Shoreditch, close to Silicon roundabout and on the fringes of the City, young men and women dressed in Day-Glo and spandex, some with glitter on their cheeks, raise their arms in the air.

A Weapon Seen as Too Horrible, Even in WarNYT
Why, it is fair to ask, does the killing of 100,000 or more with conventional weapons elicit little more than a concerned shrug, while the killing of a relative few from poison gas is enough to trigger an intervention?

In Conversation: Michael BloombergThe New York Magazine

The Five Cognitive Distortions of People Who Get Stuff DoneQuarry (pdf)

Getting Schooled in Risk: The Lessons of PokerCFA Institute

Ten Days In a Mad-House (1887)U. Pennsylvania

The Things He Carried (2008)The Atlantic
Airport security in America is a sham—“security theater” designed to make travelers feel better and catch stupid terrorists. Smart ones can get through security with fake boarding passes and all manner of prohibited items—as our correspondent did with ease.

Fast Times at Ridgemont High Excerpts (1981)Playboy
In the fall of 1979, the author returned to a high school he had attended briefly some years back. He registered as a student under an assumed name with the cooperation of  the principal, who was the only one to know the secret.

The line from 9/11 to Lehman to SyriaFree exchange / The Economist

'Project 6' CIA Spies Operating in the Heart of GermanySpiegel
For years, intelligence services from the US and Germany conducted a secret project on German soil. Together, they developed a counter-terrorism database -- with even a journalist coming under suspicion.

iSpy: How the NSA Accesses Smartphone DataSpiegel
The US intelligence agency NSA has been taking advantage of the smartphone boom. It has developed the ability to hack into iPhones, android devices and even the BlackBerry, previously believed to be particularly secure.

NSA Revelations Cast Doubt on the Entire Tech IndustryWired
Six years ago, two Microsoft cryptography researchers discovered some weirdness in an obscure cryptography standard authored by the National Security Agency. There was a bug in a government-standard random number generator that could be used to encrypt data.

NSA Can Spy on Smart Phone DataSpiegel
Spiegel has learned from internal NSA documents that the US intelligence agency has the capability of tapping user data from the iPhone, devices using Android as well as BlackBerry, a system previously believed to be highly secure.


Päätöksenteon tietoperusta heikentynyt SuomessaVerkkouutiset
Valtiontalouden tarkastusvirasto sanoo saaneensa havaintoja päätöksenteon tietoperustan heikkenemisestä Suomessa. Lisäksi määrätietoisen ohjauspolitiikan puute heikentää valtioneuvoston toimintakykyä.

Omasta rahapolitiikasta olisi Suomelle enemmän etua kuin Ruotsille – juuri Suomen suppeamman teollisen pohjan vuoksityhmyri

"Aika ei ole euron puolella"TalSa
Belgialainen taloustieteilijä Paul De Grauwe ei usko euroalueen säilyvän nykymuotoisena rahaliittona. Hänen mukaansa aika ei ole euron puolella.

"Keskuspankkiirit eivät tajua keskuspankkitoimintaa"TalSa
Belgialainen taloustieteilijä Paul De Grauwe ratkaisisi akuutin eurokriisin sallimalla Euroopan keskuspankin toimia eurovaltioiden viimekätisenä lainaajana. Tällä hetkellä EKP:n velkakirjaostoja ei rajoita mikään, hän sanoo.

Suomalaiset tinkivät nyt kaikestaHS

Luottoluokittajien usko Suomeen pysyy vahvanaTalSa
Luokitusyhtiöiden analyytikot luottavat siihen, että Suomi pystyy tekemään tarvittavat uudistukset. Haasteita riittää huolia enemmän.

Ulkoministeri Bildt twiittasi: Ruotsi tulee vielä kuulumaan euroonVerkkouutiset