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Sunday, November 25

25th Nov - Weekender: Off-Topics & In Finnish

Previously on MoreLiver’s:

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The Father of FractalsWSJ
The pioneering mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot spotted a common thread in complex shapes such as clouds, coastlines and Romanesco broccoli.

Overrated: Nassim Nicholas TalebStandpoint
Learning to Love VolatilityFarnam Street
I’m really enjoying reading Nassim Taleb’s new book Antifragile. It’s really changing how I view the world. An adapted piece from Antifragile appeared in the Wall Street Journal, offering five policy rules that can help us establish antifragility as a principle of our socioeconomic life.

Luck and Skill Untangled: The Science of Success Wired

They Cracked This 250-Year-Old Code, and Found a Secret Society Inside Wired

Cuban Time Travel Project Syndicate
For a United States citizen, the short trip to Havana requires navigating an obstacle course, owing to the trade and travel embargo that the US maintains against Cuba. It also turns out to be a trip to the past – specifically, to 1959.

Where is your mind?mindhacks

Free Textbooks Spell Disruption for College Publishers MIT Technology Review
Startup companies offering knockoff textbooks are attracting students, and lawsuits.

Bayesian Unreason in the Modern WorldThe Psy-Fi Blog

You Can’t Say That on the Internet NYT

Banned on Wall St.: Facebook, Twitter and GmailDealBook / NYT

What can James Bond's nemeses teach us?Free exchange / The Economist

Ask an Economist: Which Bond Villain Plan Would Have Worked (and Which Not)?Vulture

Animal vision evolved 700 million years agoScientific American

The Last Laughing DeathThe Global Mail
After 55 years, the final patrol for cases of the mysterious ‘laughing death’ in remote Papua New Guinea has returned from the highlands. From this pursuit came Nobel-winning science, clues to ‘mad cow’ and insights into Alzheimer’s disease. It also revealed a little bit of cannibal hidden in us all.

Ulkoisen ja sisäisen devalvaation vertailua osa I: sisäinen devalvaatio tappaa kotitaloudettyhmyri

Mikä tepsii kriisiin: Baltian, Irlannin vai Islannin lääke?Jan Hurri / TalSa
Baltia taltutti talouskriisin railakkain vyönkiristyksin, jollaiset näyttävät Irlannissakin vähitellen tepsivän. Kreikka ja muut etelän kriisimaat nielevät turhaan samaa lääkettä, vaikka potevat eri tauteja. Paha hoitovirhe olisi mahdollista välttää – tosin kielletyin lääkkein. Oikea resepti ei löydy Baltiasta tai Irlannista vaan Islannista.

Suomi järjestää velkajuhlat velaksiOlli Herrala / KL

Euroalueen talous luhistuu kiihtyvällä vauhdilla – eikö kannattaisi vaihtaa lääkitystä?tyhmyri

Vihreiden demokratiaohjelmaHannu Visti

JP Morgan: Suomi eron jälkeenJuhani Huopainen / US Puheenvuoro

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