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Friday, January 18

18th Jan - EU Open

Somewhat better than expected macro from China. Europe starting to get a taste of bad news, but just a feeling. USDJPY rejected the new highs, EURUSD on its way to range's bottom (perhaps to 1.3280)

Previously on MoreLiver’s:                  

News roundup – Between The Hedges
The 6am Cut London – alphaville / FT
Emerging Markets Headlines – beyondbrics / FT

3 Numbers to Watch: Cyprus test, UK retail sales, US cons. sent.TradingFloor
PIMCO's stress test on Cypriot banks will not only provide a number, but probably data and tools to estimate the state of play in Europe. Expect the UK's Cameron to try to act like a statesman, which could lead to a risk-off session.

Market Preview: Robust Chinese data; US consumer sentiment eyedTradingFloor
European markets are expected to open marginally lower on Friday. The UK Prime Minster has cancelled his speech to outline the nation's future ties with the EU. A raft of Chinese macro data earlier today has surprised investors on the upside.

Danske DailyDanske Bank (pdf)
Chinese GDP growth accelerates for the first time in two years in Q4 12, boding well for growth in 2013. Strong US housing data support US sentiment. Economic adviser to Japanese PM says that USD/JPY at parity would be good for Japan.

AamukatsausNordea (pdf)
Kiina is back! * USA:ssa teollisuuden luottamus haparoi – rakennussektorilta parempia uutisia * Huhut BoJ:n aggressiivisemmista elvytystoimista painoivat jeniä

AamukatsausTapiola (pdf)
USA:n vahva makrodata käänsi osakemarkkinat eilen nousuun. Kiinasta aamulla hieman odotuksia paremmat makrotilastot. BKT:n kasvu kiihtyi odotetusti neljännellä neljänneksellä. Osakefutuurit marginaalisesti plussalla, indikoiden nousuavausta pörssiin. Suomi yhtiöiden liikevaihto ja tuloksen kasvuodotukset: Arvostukset houkuttelevia kokonaisuudessaan. Yhtiötasolla erot suuria ja mahdollisuudet erilaisten sijoitusstrategioiden toteuttamiseen hyvät.


Greek parliament votes to probe ex-ministereuobserver
Deputies in the Greek parliament early Friday voted to launch a parliamentary investigation into Greece’s former minister of finance Giorgos Papaconstantinou.

Cameron publishes parts of unlucky EU speecheuobserver
Downing Street has circulated parts of a speech due to warn of a British EU "exit" after cancelling it because of the Algerian hostage situation.

Reading the China GDP growth entrails – alphaville / FT
China: GDP growth accelerates for the first time in two years – Danske Bank (pdf)
Stronger Q4 GDP suggests turning point for ChinaNordea
China’s alternative GDP index – how low did it go? – beyondbrics / FT
China GDP in two charts – beyondbrics / FT
Economists React: China GDP Growth Hits 7.9% in Fourth Quarter – WSJ
China Hard Landing Dispelled Again, 4Q Earnings Up – Forbes

Is Chinese re-balancing bullish? – Humble Student