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Sunday, January 6

6th Jan - Weekender: Off-Topic & Finnish

Previously on MoreLiver’s:     
6-Jan Weekender: Economics & Markets

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Why You Won’t Be the Person You Expect to BeNYT
When we remember our past selves, they seem quite different. We know how much our personalities and tastes have changed over the years. But when we look ahead, somehow we expect ourselves to stay the same

Great Graphic: Fracking ExplainedMarc to Market

What is actually going on in IcelandStudio Tendra
Since people continue to spread the factually dubious statement that Iceland “told creditors & IMF to go jump, nationalised banks, arrested the fraudsters, gave debt relief and is now growing very strongly, thanks” I find I have to write this here thing.

The Data VigilanteThe Atlantic
Students aren’t the only ones cheating—some professors are, too. Uri Simonsohn is out to bust them.

Kickstarting: “Finding Trust” Finds An Intimate Human-Animal Bondco.create
Annie Marie Musselman uncovers animal emotion with her photos of vulnerable critters. With a German publishing house on board, she’s looking to raise half the funding for a book of the photos via Kickstarter.

Asteroid May Become Moon for Earth’s MoonDiscover
Researchers from the Keck Institute for Space Studies proposed a plan in April to bring an asteroid into the moon’s orbit so astronauts can study it up close.

The following 100 people have all passed away in the past year. This list is ordered by the number of words in their Wikipedia entries.

A Pickpocket’s TaleThe New Yorker
The spectacular thefts of Apollo Robbins.

America's Real Criminal Element: LeadMother Jones
New research finds Pb is the hidden villain behind violent crime, lower IQs, and even the ADHD epidemic. And fixing the problem is a lot cheaper than doing nothing.

Bono Sings the Praises of TechnologyMIT Technology Review
The musician and activist explains how technology provides the means to help us eradicate disease and extreme poverty.

Better Than Human: Why Robots Will - And Must - Take Our JobsWired
Imagine that 7 out of 10 working Americans got fired tomorrow. What would they all do?

Robots Aren’t Coming for Our Jobs, Just YetMIT Technology Review
Machines are moving into new areas of manufacturing, but it’s too soon to proclaim a robot revolution.

The Science Behind Persuading PeopleWSJ

FiveBooks Interviews: Tyler Cowen on InformationThe Browser
A conversation with the economist, educator, omnivore, polymath and co-founder of Marginal Revolution, highlighting five books about decentralised information, mass collaboration and spontaneous order

The Birth of Our Modern Obsession with Mapsbrain pickings
From Ptolemy to Richard Dawkins, or how customization in Renaissance Venice sparked a cartographic craze.

North Korea's New Master PlanTestosterone Pit

The 'war on terror' - by design - can never endThe Guardian
As the Pentagon's former top lawyer urges that the war be viewed as finite, the US moves in the opposite direction

New Year, New Problem? Pakistan’s Tactical NukesThe Diplomat
Pakistan is developing a new generation of smaller "tactical" nuclear weapons. The dangers and challenges such arms present are very real.

Yleinen palkka-ale olisi mieletön vikatikki Jan Hurri / TalSa
Talouspäättäjät ovat kriisin kuluessa toteuttaneet useita vikatikkejä ennenaikaisista vyönkiristyksistä alkaen. Yksi iso virhe on vielä kokeilematta: yleinen palkka-ale. Se olisi velkaiselle taloudelle myrkkyä – ja kärjistäisi omatekoisen taantuman kotikutoiseksi lamaksi. Lordi Keynes varoitti yli 75 vuotta sitten: tämä olisi mieletön vikatikki.

Mittarit todistavat: Ei perusteita palkka-alelle, mutta ei korotuksillekaanYLE
Kilpailukykymittareiden perusteella teollisuuden toivomalle palkka-alelle ei riitä perusteita, mutta ei niitä riitä koville palkankorotuksillekaan. Teollisuustuotanto kannattaa yhä Suomessa, mutta ei enää yhtä hyvin kuin takavuosina. Kannattavuutta ovat nakertaneet Nokian kutistuminen ja finanssikriisi joka vei tilaukset, mutta jätti palkankorotukset.

Joka palkkaansa alentaa, se ylennetäänJyrki Virolainen

Wahlroosin vastavoima: Kova puhe ei toimiHS
Liikkeenjohdon koulutus tuottaa robotteja, sanoo Tapiolan entinen pääjohtaja Asmo Kalpala.

Rahanprinttaajien universumiHenri Myllyniemi / US Puheenvuoro

Asuntovelallinen, olet pankin takaajaTalSa
Pankit saavat piilorahoitustukea valtiolta, koska valtion odotetaan tulevan apuun hädän hetkellä. Valtio on siis lopulta pankin takaaja. Harva kuitenkaan tietää, että myös pankin velalliset takaavat pankin toimintaa. Ja se tapahtuu vähemmän implisiittisesti. Sopimuskohta saattaa olla myös sinun lainaehdoissasi.

Visio tekisi Suomelle terääHS
Tulevaisuustutkija Risto Linturin vallankumouksellisia ajatuksia: autokuskit pitää korvata roboteilla ja Suomen on palattava henkisesti 1990-luvulle.