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Tuesday, August 9

9th Aug EARLY pt.2 – Waiting for FOMC

From alphaville / FT
Jokes of the Day:

Strangely appropriate ECB correction du jour – alphaville / FT

With comments from Lloyds, Nomura, Unicredit, DB

Today’s must-read by president of the Centre for Financial Studies and a former member of the European Central Bank’s executive board
Slithering to the wrong kind of union – Otmar Issing / FT opinion

While DB’s CEO called on lenders to help bail out Greece, they had already cut their losses.

German 5yr CDS now above U.K. for the first time ever.

FED WATCH: QE3 or something else?
FOMC Preview – Calculated Risk

Q2 REO Inventory Estimate – Calculated Risk

Strong criticism of QE programs: “not effective”
QE2 and the ensuing disequilibriumPragmatic Capitalism

Very important and good review of Fed options, with Unicredit comments, S.F. Fed papers.
Let’s twist again…  – alphaville FT


Random portfolios of 20 or 200 stocks from the S&P 500 stocks with 20 or 200 names have done clearly worse than the index. Basically, if your portfolio is down more than the index, that is the norm and not your fault. Good one to show your boss or customers.

“Clear relationship between overvaluation and subsequent losses” – and this is news?

Sixth-largest bank under fire

Who has got the margin call? – Bronte Capital

DIVERSION (today, literally)
Anarchy in the UK – The Economist