Previously on MoreLiver’s:
Current specials:
Special: IMF Outlook &
Kenneth-Rogoff (updated)
EU planning a Cyprus template and a bank
stability fund – TradingFloor
Steen Jakobsen: What
is next in this EU debt crisis? If Süddeusche sources are right, we need to
prepare ourselves for Cyprus not being a one-off - and a bank stability fund
financed by your money.
Is the academic premise for austerity in the
eurozone crumbling? Not quite –
So what academics (and
policymakers) really should debate is whether fiscal transfers are possible
and/or desirable. Proving or disproving
R&R is neither here nor there when it comes to dealing with the eurozone
An Understandable Mistake – mainly
Go into detail within
the advanced economies group, and the pattern is clear: the greater the
contraction in government spending relative to previous recoveries, the slower
the recovery has been.
Why is this global recovery different? –
The Great Recession
has been followed by a ‘Not-So-Great Recovery’. Why the recovery has been weak
and protracted remains a matter of debate. This column argues that one specific
aspect of the current global recovery makes it different from previous ones.
Over the course of past recoveries, both monetary and fiscal policies
maintained an accommodative stance. In this global recovery, fiscal and
monetary policies in advanced economies are pushing in opposite directions.
Mohamed El-Erian: Officials
from around the world gathering for the semi-annual meetings of the IMF and
World Bank should go beyond the important issue of how individual countries
emerge more quickly from their malaise. They should also spend time on the
implications of the new global economic configuration for the west's ability to
project and deploy economic power
kauhut paljastuvat liittymisestä sopineille – Romania ei anna liittymiselle
aikataulua – tyhmyri
Kypros-välikysymyskeskustelusta! – Toimi
Kankaanniemi / US Puheenvuoro
näytti pelureille kaapin paikan – Demari
Tavalliset ihmiset voittavat ja pankkeihin
rahojaan piilottaneet häviävät, Miapetra Kumpula-Natri arvioi Kyproksen
tukipakettia, jossa esimerkiksi kahden pankin suurtallettajat menettivät suuren
osan rahoistaan.