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Friday, February 28

28th Feb - W/E: Best of the Week

Here are the ”best” from my posts of the ending week. Last week’s edition here.

28th Feb - EZ inflation leaves room for ECB, US GDP

Wednesday, February 26

26th Feb - UK's "Austerity Miracle"

Kalle Isokallio wrote a piece where he praised the deep budget cuts of United Kingdom and how the country has left the financial crisis far behind and is growing at a healthy rate.

26th Feb - US housing worries, EM trouble rising

26th Feb - Omakehu: MoreLiver Koneesta

En juuri seuraa osakkeita, enkä siksi tietenkään kommentoi niitä. Keharimaiden taantuminen ja inhokkini Alahuhdan (fantsuttelija) poistuminen firman johdosta sai minut kuitenkin vilkaisemaan tilannetta. Ohessa viestihistoriani:

Saturday, February 22

22nd Feb - W/E: Weekly Support

Here are the links to the weekly roundups, reviews and also previews of the beginning week. Last week's 'Support' here.

22nd Feb - W/E: Best of the Week

Here are the ”best” from my posts of the ending week. Last week’s edition here.

Sunday, February 16

16th Feb - Olli Rehn: Haasteena talouden uudistaminen

Komission varapuheenjohtaja Olli Rehn 
Kuntaliiton talous- ja rahoitusfoorumi, Helsinki 12.2.2014
Muutosvarauksin, julkaisuvapaa 12.2.2014 klo.14
Alkuperäinen lähde:  Euroopan Komissio

Aiheesta lisää:

Komissaarit avautuvat: tuomiopäivän uhka oli tosi Jan Hurri / TalSa

Haasteena talouden uudistaminen – Euroopassa ja Suomessa

Arvon naiset ja herrat, hyvät ystävät,k iitos kutsusta käyttää puheenvuoro tässä Kuntaliiton talous- ja rahoitusfoorumissa. Entisenä kaupunginvaltuutettuna, kansanedustajana, europarlamentaarikkona ja nyt komissaarina olen nähnyt monestakin näkökulmasta ne taloudelliset ja poliittiset reunaehdot, jotka työtänne määrittävät. Ei käy kateeksi, mutta mielekästä ja arvokasta työtä se silti on. Joku voi miettiä että mitä kunta-asiat komissiolle kuuluvat. No kuuluvat ne, useastakin näkökulmasta.

Saturday, February 15

15th Feb - W/E: Linkfest


Perez Prado- The Peanut Vendor 

15th Feb - "Arvaa kuka populisti osa 4"-vastaukset

Populisti 1: Olli Rehn (EU-komissaari)
Pieni valtio Euroopan unionissa (1996), Olli Rehn

Katkelma löytyi teoksesta
Myrskyn silmässä (2012), Olli Rehn.

Populisti 2: Roger Wessman (Nordean pitkäaikainen pääekonomisti)

15th Feb - W/E: Chris Pavlou, Forex veteran

In the nineties I visited HSBC's trading floor in London, and shook hands with the boss. Only later did I realize that the man was a legend.

Friday, February 14

15th Feb - W/E: Weekly Support

Here are the links to the weekly roundups, reviews and also previews of the beginning week. Last week's 'Support' here.
2001: A Space Odyssey - The Making Of A Myth [Documentary]

14th Feb - W/E: Best of the Week

Here are the ”best” from my posts of the ending week. Last week’s edition here.

14th Feb - Nice Europan GDP, China worries

Wednesday, February 12

12th Feb: ECB's zero-threats, BoE signaling

12th Feb - The European Debt Crisis Visualized

At the heart of the European debt crisis is the euro, the currency that ties together 17 countries in an intimate manner. So when one country teeters on the brink of financial collapse, the entire continent is at risk. How did such a flawed system come to be? Bloomberg Television and Jonathan Jarvis present "The European Debt Crisis Visualized."

Tuesday, February 11

11th Feb - Credit Guest: The Magnus Effect

Here is this week's cross-post from Macronomics. All hail the great Macronomics! Adjust your bookmarks now.

11th Feb - Yellen Ahoy!

Sunday, February 9

9th Feb - W/E: Linkfest

Prof. Josef E. Stiglitz: "The Future of Europe"

Saturday, February 8

8th Feb - W/E: Weekly Support

Here are the links to the weekly roundups, reviews and also previews of the beginning week. Last week's 'Support' here.

Friday, February 7

7th Feb - W/E: Best of the Week

Here are the ”best” from my posts of the ending week. Last week’s edition here.

7th Feb: US Payrolls, GCC surprises

Thursday, February 6

6th Feb - After ECB, payrolls and debt ceiling

6th Feb - NExit: Leaving the EU

The executive summary from 

NExit: Assessing the economic impact of the Netherlands leaving the European Union (pdf-link)

Report prepared by Capital Economics

6th Feb - Vastuunkanto

6th Feb - Special: ECB Preview

Wednesday, February 5

5th Feb - After positive Jan PMI, ECB ahead

5th Feb - Special: January PMI

Overview of the January's Purchasing Manager Indices. (US added)

Sunday, February 2

2nd Feb - Credit Guest: The Runaway Horse

Here is this week's long-form cross-post from the highly productive Macronomics.

2nd Feb - W/E Linkfest

 Europe, US, Emerging markets and some to my Finnish-speaking audience.

1st Feb - W/E: Chart Show

Here are some random charts. First, couple of ones from the "others", followed by FX spot rates (monthlies, weeklies, dailies and then four hour-candles). Enjoy!

Saturday, February 1

1st Feb - Special: Who to follow on Twitter

1st Feb - W/E: Weekly Support

Here are the links to the weekly roundups, reviews and also previews of the beginning week. Last week's 'Support' here.

31st Jan - Friday's dataload