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Thursday, February 21

21st Feb - US Close

Previously on MoreLiver’s:

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Roundups & Commentary
Markets – Between The Hedges
The Closer – alphaville / FT

Tomorrow’s Tape: Not Exactly Bursting at the Seams WSJ
Morning Briefing (Asia): Profit Taking Drives Dow Lower – BNY Mellon
US: FedSpeak Fails To Lift Stocks - Gold & Bonds Bid – ZH

Whatever It TakesJohn Mauldin / The Big Picture
Who’s Got the Map? * Monetization – A Rose by Any Other Name * Super Mario: Whatever It Takes * The New Policy Implications of the Irish Deal * Currency Skirmishes * Toxic Debt Scare

Manufacturers Survey Points to New Downturn in Euro ZoneNYT

Annual Accounts of the ECB for 2012ECB

Details on securities holdings acquired under the Securities Markets ProgrammeECB

ECB transparency, €100bn of Italian bonds editionalphaville / FT

France Sinks Further Into Gutter; PMI Accelerates to 4-Year Low; "Core" of Europe Now Consists of Germany OnlyMish’s

What Mr Rehn should tell Francebruegel

Italy's recession and upcoming elections threaten reformsSober Look

Italian Elections: Uncertainty to LingerMarc to Market

European "Democracy": EU Parliament Head Tells Italians Not To Vote For SilvioZH

Three Ways Out of the SequesterCFR

The deal to avoid a US fiscal crunchThe A-list / FT
Barack Obama might prefer to focus his energies on immigration, gun control and education. But it is the tax and spending wars that still paralyse Washington, and the US is on the verge of a dismal solution – the sequestration. Unless a new budget deal can be agreed within the next few days, almost all forms of so-called “discretionary” spending, departmental budgets that the US Congress sets each year, will be cut equally and indiscriminately – beginning next week.

The Fed has opted for the lesser of two evilsThe A-list / FT
Mohamed El-Erian: Today’s world of dysfunctional politics is one that pushes central banks further away from their comfort zone and excludes the best possible responses. The resulting inconsistencies can only be resolved through a more comprehensive policy approach that deals directly with the West’s challenges of too little growth, too much debt, and too polarised a political discourse. In the meantime, central banks will have no choice but to opt for what they perceive as the lesser of two evils – that of maintaining a visibly imperfect policy stance.

The 5 biggest lies on Wall StreetMarketWatch
Commentary: These market myths are doing the rounds — again

EMEA WeeklyDanske Bank (pdf)

Global Leading Indicator Shows Slowdown Dead-AheadZH

Gallian kukon aamufalsettiHenri Myllyniemi / piksu
Euroalueelta tuli Markitilta jälleen kerran alustavat ennakkokatsaukset helmikuun tilasta. Mainitaan nyt varmuuden vuoksi: Saksa pompannee takaisin kasvu-uralle päätettyään vuoden 2012 rämpimiseen. Sen sijaan Ranska uppoaa juoksuhiekkaan.

(huomaa myös kommentit kahdesta seuraavasta)
Lukekaa se Rehnin paperi ennen kuin väitätte siitä kummallisuuksiaMikko Nummelin / US Puheenvuoro

Tätä Olli Rehn pelkääJuha Lehtinen / US Puheenvuoro

Urpilainen ja Euroopan sosiaalinen kriisi Hannu Visti
Pampaksen nero Jutta Urpilainen on kiinnittänyt huomiota siihen, että Euroopassa saattaa “syntyä” sosiaalinen kriisi kun velkakriisi ei helpota. Ei se tietenkään helpota, koska mitään oleellista ei ole tehty, ainoastaan vääriä asioita.

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