First my views, followed by interesting off-topic articles and then some in Finnish... (click the charts for larger versions)
Previously on MoreLiver’s:
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EURUSD is on its way to top of the range |
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Very strong hourly chart |
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Plan would be to buy a dip - might be that the price hits the Friday's high on Monday and sells off - be prepared to buy if that happens. |
Spanish 10 year bond yield slightly higher, but given "Europe is saved" and "US is saved", the uptick is a negative that is worth remembering. |
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SPX continues bull trend, shows no signs of weakness. |
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One possible long-term scenario is to target the 1500-level. |
The individual & social risks of cousin
marriage – Discover
surprisingly, marriage to close cousins is more common in Northern Africa and Middle East
The Disappeared – Salman
Rushdie / The New Yorker
How the fatwa changed a writer’s life
It's the food prices, stupid – Sober Look
Of course the danger going forward is that
agricultural commodity prices will stay elevated. What the Great North American
Drought had started, the Fed will continue (via monetary expansion), as food
inflation is exported globally. And someone will be blamed - if not the local
dictators, it will be the US.
60 Minutes: Killing bin Laden – The
Big Picture
A former member of SEAL Team 6, known by the
pseudonym Mark Owen, recounts the raid that killed the world’s most wanted man:
Osama bin Laden. Scott Pelley reports.
Obama’s Way – Michael
Lewis / Vanity Fair
To understand how air-force navigator Tyler
Stark ended up in a thornbush in the Libyan desert in March 2011, one must understand what it’s like to be president of
the United States—and this president in particular. Hanging around Barack Obama for six
months, in the White House, aboard Air Force One, and on the basketball court,
Michael Lewis learns the reality of the Nobel Peace Prize winner who sent Stark
into combat.
(video 5
min) How Obama Is Like a Wall Street
Trader – The
(video 27
min) The Michael Lewis interview – Impact
Players / youtube
breaking up banks & Goldman's role in EU crisis
All Michael Lewis-articles – Longform
Google Fiber: A lesson on free market failure – Extreme
How Google Builds Its Maps—and What It Means
for the Future of Everything – The
An exclusive look inside Ground Truth, the
secretive program to build the world's best accurate maps.
Hype and Hope: Test Driving Google's New
Glasses – WSJ
Device Puts Data Into Field of Vision but
Software Is Balky
The Brute Force Computing Revolution – Bits
The cost of computing has fallen so far that it
makes more sense to be wasteful with server power, and harvest the results,
than it is to plan everything carefully. It is a triumph of brute force and
messes over carefully planned design.
The Next Industrial Revolution Starts in this
20-foot Shipping Container – Gizmodo
They wanted to ship products to Kenya, but the options
available were wasteful, costly, and not nearly as efficient as simply
manufacturing near to the customers. To do it, in a place with little industry
or infrastructure, Re-Char designed something new—a fully functioning,
off-the-grid factory inside a shipping container.
Automatons Get Creative – WSJ
Powerful new computer programs are doing tasks
once reserved for composers, writers and policy-makers
(audio 25
min) In the Balance: Are we all
smartphone users now? – BBC
In the week Apple's new iPhone was launched, we
discuss whether there's too much hype about smartphones and connectivity. Do we
need to be connected to the internet twenty four hours a day? Do business
people really need a smartphone to succeed?
Star Trek Tech that Exists Today – HP
Input Output
3D printing - Difference Engine: The PC all
over again? – The Economist
Richard Feynman On The One Sentence To Be
Passed On To The Next Generation – brainpickings
Milky Way's black hole to eat planet-forming
cloud – BBC
A young star and its planet-forming cloud are
being pulled towards the huge black hole at the centre of our galaxy,
astronomers say.
Mow Yard. Drop Off Kids. Take a Drive on Mars. – NYT
Mr. Heverly leads a team of 16 drivers at
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory here. Together, they are responsible for
steering a six-wheeled, plutonium-powered rover called Curiosity across the Red
Planet’s Gale Crater.
Physicist Derives Laws of Thermodynamics For
Life Itself – technology
The laws of thermodynamics must apply to
self-replicating systems. Now one physicist has worked out how
Proof claimed for deep connection between
primes – nature
If it is true, a solution to the abc conjecture
about whole numbers would be an ‘astounding’ achievement.
10 ways science explains why James Bond is so
irresistible to women
– bakadesuyo
5 Ways to Avoid Natural Reactions that Prevent
You from Making Good Decisions – buffer
Why do we play? – bakadesuyo
We play in order to learn…when something is
fun, it commands our full attention and provides an emotional reward, two
things that are key to strengthening memory
Schüll, Addiction by Design – reading
the markets
Schüll, an associate professor at MIT, argues
that addiction to machine gambling stems from the interplay between the gambler
and the machine.
Your brain on pseudoscience: the rise of
popular neurobollocks
– New
The “neuroscience” shelves in bookshops are
groaning. But are the works of authors such as Malcolm Gladwell and Jonah
Lehrer just self-help books dressed up in a lab coat?
375 Free eBooks – open culture
500 Free Online Courses from Top Universities – open culture
150 Free Textbooks – open culture
450 Free Audio Books – open culture
500 Free Movies Online – open culture
Learn 40 Languages for Free – open culture
Chuck Norris Trading Facts –
St. Peter's Basilica – Wikipedia
The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity – Cantrip
Always and inevitably everyone underestimates
the number of stupid individuals in circulation.
It’s not what you know, but who: The role of
connections in academia –
To reduce favouritism in university promotions,
Spain recently introduced a centralised system with random assignment of
evaluators. This column presents evidence from a unique data set showing that
favouritism still matters. Prior connections between candidates and evaluators
have a dramatic impact on promotion. The net result is that outcomes are more
random and candidates with many connections and from large universities benefit
the most.
Pieni piiri räpsähti
valokeilaan – HS
Kolumni: Finnairin
toimitusjohtajan asuntokauppa nosti esiin liikemaailman eliitin keskinäiset
tulehduttaa vanhoja haavoja – HS
asuntopuliveivaus: Juridiikka piti, etiikka petti – SK
Rehn Ylelle: Nordea
joutuu pankkivalvonnan piiriin – YLE
Ruotsi ei anna EU:n
valvoa Nordeaa – YLE
Peli-itsekkyys – Kemppinen
FED hoitaa taloutta ja EKP harrastaa
valtapolitiikkaa – kumpi malli kuuluu demokratiaan? – tyhmyri
Velkakriisissä käy
kehnosti tai vielä kehnommin – Jan
Hurri / TalSa
Eurooppa uppoaa yhä
syvemmälle velkasuohon ja rämpii siinä vielä vuosia – varsinkin, kun väärät
kriisitoimet pahentavat kriisiä. Näin arvioivat maailman eturivin
taloustietäjät, joiden mukaan Euroopan käy kehnosti tai vielä kehnommin. Siitä
asiantuntijat ovat jyrkästi erimielisiä, olisiko euron hajoaminen helpotus vai
alkaisiko siitä kaaos.
oppikirjojen tulkinta ja todellisuus – EKP on toiminut oppikirjojen mukaan ja
aiheuttanut katastrofin – tyhmyri
ammottaa valtiontaloudessa – HS
Alijäämän hillitseminen
vaatii työllisyyden parantumista tai lisää vyönkiristystä.
Rahapolitiikka voi
olla hulvatonta viihdettä – tapaus Riksbank – tyhmyri