ultimate linkfest to reviews of the ending year ( I will add links to this later)
Sunday, December 30
Friday, December 28
Thursday, December 27
27th Dec - Abnormal Update
My blog is still in holiday mood and returns to normalcy after the weekend. But just some recent articles to keep up with the world.
In addition to the fiscal cliff excitement, the big move to weaker Japanese yen and the clash between IMF and EU on the bailout of Cyprus seem to be the most important themes. I will do a "2012, 2013"-special during the weekend, just like I did last year (2011 Special and 2012 Special).
In addition to the fiscal cliff excitement, the big move to weaker Japanese yen and the clash between IMF and EU on the bailout of Cyprus seem to be the most important themes. I will do a "2012, 2013"-special during the weekend, just like I did last year (2011 Special and 2012 Special).
Sunday, December 23
23rd Dec - Weekender: Off-Topics
Season's Greetings, I am taking some time off next week and will probably not post before next weekend.
Saturday, December 22
Friday, December 21
Thursday, December 20
20th Dec - EU Open
Japan’s central bank moved to inflation
targeting and announced QE, as was more or less expected – but fiscal cliff
negotiations in US are putting pressure on the markets. Stock indices still
have bit more downside left – even in a bullish scenario. USDJPY actually down
after the Japanese announcement, so again a case of buy the rumor, sell the
Wednesday, December 19
Tuesday, December 18
18th Dec - US Open: Cliff Solution
Talk that the fiscal cliff talks are nearing some sort of solution...
Monday, December 17
17th Dec - EU Open: After JP, EU
Now that the Japanese elections are done and the QE-party won, it seems all the major central banks except ECB are on extremely easy. Is ECB playing the role of hard to get on purpose - to push national politicians to the right direction, as in Spain - or are the central bank's hands tied? Who do you call when you want to call Europe, which one is in charge, Germany or ECB? I believe this is the main question that has to be answered in the first quarter.
Sunday, December 16
Saturday, December 15
15th Dec - Weekender: Economics & Markets
This weekend's economics-section is huge: both UK and US are moving towards changing their monetary policies, while the fiscal cliff, general uncertainty over the recovery and Europe's continuing trouble caused a flood of articles.
15th Dec - Weekender: Weekly Support
The last week reviewed – and the next previewed! Previous Weekly Support here. Check back later for updates to this post.
Friday, December 14
Thursday, December 13
13th Dec - US Close: B-union
Greece was promised the funds, banking union's single supervisor-part agreed (maybe), more on the Fed's change of tactics
13th Dec - US Open
Banking union's "single supervisor" agreed, but the details are sketchy - the goals of the rest of this week's summitteering were downsized from the earlier eurocrats' plans.
13th Dec - EU Open: Morning After
For more on the Fed's change, see my previous post. UK seems to be moving to the same direction, given the yesterday's comments by the next governor for the Bank of England. I think there is more to the Fed than currently meets the eye - but it will take time before markets understand this. Sell for couple of weeks.
12th Dec - US Close: Evans to Rule
Looks like
both the US and UK are changing their central banks’
course. US unemployment 6.5% or below, as long as inflation stays below 2.5% (that's news - old ceiling target was 2%)
It seems like "the printings shall continue until the employment improves"
Quote of the Day:
If I was
able to ask Ben Bernanke a question at today’s press conference, I would ask
this: What in your models make you believe that GDP growth can accelerate to a range of
2.3-3% in 2013, 3-3.5% in 2014 and 3-3.7% in 2015 from 1.7-1.8% in 2012 but
somehow forecast that PCE inflation will be no greater than 2% in each of those
years vs 1.6-1.7% in 2012 in light of the massive expansion in your balance
sheet? – The Big
Wednesday, December 12
Tuesday, December 11
11th Dec - Credit Guest: Synchronicity
A nice long creamy cake of credit talk from MoreLiver's dear friend Macronomics. This time, he drops the charts on the floor, stands on the table and says how things really look - the picture is not pretty, but it is comforting: it is an old song, even though it is not familiar to the contemporary audience.
Monday, December 10
Sunday, December 9
9th Dec - Weekender: Off-Topic, Finnish, Views
For the lazy readers, may I suggest combing through the "Weekly Support"-post - it has the weekly previews to get you sorted through the next week. Everyone else, enjoy these not finance-related article links and the again quite worrisome Finnish-language articles: internal devaluation & federalization is the name of the game. It is going to be highly entertaining 2013-2015 if this shit goes through.
I'm not sure if I have time for a Views-post, so just quickies: ending week's uptick in Spanish and Italian bonds, ECB's non-decision, Monti's loss of power of power, followed by a resignation announcement. Bad European macros. Coming stormy talks on the federalization of the European Union, UK's threat to leave EU... I think the eurocrisis is now back on, after a brief pause. While the French and German stock markets have recently broken to new highs, I believe they will reverse, and we will see a continuation of the recent range. Meanwhile, as the Europe's periphery starts to deteriorate again from the yield perspective, rhetoric will become much harder, and finding a solution becomes again a nightmare.
I am not sure if we will see a repeat of the last December's show, when the ECB was forced to step in with the surprise LTRO annoucements - my current feeling is that things will slowly deteriorate and ECB will not pull the rabbit from the hat. This is mainly because the ECB does not have a rabbit anymore, but secondly also because they want to keep Spain under market pressure. The logic seems to be that Spain will not apply for a bailout before it is forced to do so, so pressure and force it will be. The policies and negotiations will not start in earnest before the core countries get severely hit. Thus, I expect gradually worsening picture, with temporary blimps of hope from some monthly indicators or something. Probably around Feb-March things look really dark. But the stock market will start anticipating this very soon.
Next week's FOMC meeting and the European summits are the main events. I expect all real numbers to be bad, but probably not surprisingly so.
9th Dec - Weekender: Econ & Markets
weekend’s edition has stuff on shadow banking, IMF’s change of attitude on
capital controls, TARGET2, while the trading & markets-related links are a
mixed bag.
Saturday, December 8
9th Dec - Weekender: The World
weekend’s edition of “The World” is heavy on Europe: Italy is about to have a change of
leadership, some good ones on TARGET2, Federalization of Europe-articles, Britain’s possible exit. Articles on China concentrate on the leadership
change and what this might mean for the future.
Friday, December 7
7th Dec - US Close: Payroll Monster
7th Dec - Weekender: Best of the Week
The best
article links from my past seven day’s posts – enjoy!
7th Dec - EU Open: Payday
US Employment report and Dec consumer confidence in today's calendar. For ECB afterthoughts and payroll previews, see my previous post.
6th Dec - US Close: ECB done, federal Europe coming
Friday's US payrolls reviewed, worrying federal developments from the eurocrats, ECB sees only black and will not turn on the lights - instead looks like it will have a match with Madrid instead.
Thursday, December 6
6th Dec - US Open: Independence Day
Oh, almost forgot - ECB left the rates unchanged. Enjoy these two different versions of the classic story.
Wednesday, December 5
5th Dec - EU Open
Europe 'surprised' by bad service PMI's, but the horror was pretty much expected after the manufacturing PMI's deterioration. Eyes now on Draghi on Thu. Again, no interest rate cuts expected, but the words will be scrutinized like never before.
Tuesday, December 4
4th Dec - US Close: Merry MF Global Christmas
The stock market rally has lost steam, ECB's non-event on Thu, FX boring and in ranges, but EUR surprisingly resilient. European summit schedules look like more 'roadmaps' to a federal Europe will be signed. No good economic news in Europe, but US has looked relatively ok recently. My gut feeling is that the Eurocrisis is about to light up again. Merry Christmas everyone.
Monday, December 3
3rd Dec - US Open
Quote of the Day: "We’re not
against some business being done in London, but the
bulk of the business should be under our control. That’s the consequence of the
choice by the UK to remain
outside the euro area." – Christian Noyer, the very French head of central bank.
Saturday, December 1
1st Dec - Weekender: Econ, Market, O-T, Fin
Last 'Weekender' post is here: Economics, Markets, Off-Topic and Finnish. - I will make some changes to my regular post format on Sunday to make things a bit lighter for myself. Hope you understand, or if not, make yourself heard.
1st Dec - Weekender: The World
Latest articles on Europe, US and Asia, + some longer background reading I've come across during the ending week.
1st Dec - Weekender: Best of The Week
The best links from the ending week's posts. Previous BoW here.
Friday, November 30
Thursday, November 29
29th Nov - US Open: Eerie Ireland
Ireland studies the Greek bailout for ideas on how to exit its own bailout-hell. ECB is happy as it does not need to publish details of how Goldman Sachs helped Greece to hide its debt in order to get the euro membership. Happy times.
Wednesday, November 28
28th Nov - US Close: Fed Fades, Finnish Fun
The German
parliament votes on the latest stealth haircut of the Greek debt on Friday. More on Greece in my earlier posts. And big shout out to Mr. Hurri!
28th Nov - US Open: More Greece
Notice the news that German parliament votes on the Greek package on Thu - and this might be postponed. The Greek event risk apparently never goes away.
Tuesday, November 27
27th Nov - US Close: SuloRientoLiukas-measures
Katainen Kreikka-päätöksestä: Näitä asioita ei kannata
millimetripaperilla mittailla – YLE
yksi Öllisentti = 1 miljardi euroa, jakaantuu 10
Käteismilliin = á 100 miljoonaa euroa. – Sulo Riento Liukas
27th Nov - US Open: More Greece, OECD's Outlook
More on Greece in my morning post. OECD's latest outlook is published - check it out, probably has something that will move the markets later. One thing to add: Germany's parliament votes on Greece on Thursday - so we have a new risk event.
Monday, November 26
26th Nov - Credit Guest: It's Alright Spreads are Coming Back
Macronomics is...back!...with another weaponized* credit analysis.
*to adapt (a chemical, bacillus, etc) in such a way that it can be used as a weapon
*to adapt (a chemical, bacillus, etc) in such a way that it can be used as a weapon
Sunday, November 25
25th Nov - Weekender: World & Markets
First Europe, US, Asia - followed by some Economics and Markets.
Saturday, November 24
24th Nov - Weekender: Weekly Support
Here are
the links to review the past week and get ahead with the next one (previous Weekly Support here).
Friday, November 23
23rd Nov - US Open: IFO up, nervous FX
German IFO
came out well above expectations – and rising. No good news from the EU’s
budget talks. Plenty of action reported in FX option markets – someone is
buying large amounts of at-the-money options – makes sense with all the event
risks and the current very low volatility.
23rd Nov - EU Open: IFO ahead, broken budget
EURUSD keeps ticking higher, EU budget talks gridlocked, German IFO index today's main event.
Thursday, November 22
22nd Nov - US "open": € PMI sucks, Greece promised
holidays, no US close update today. Here's links to Europe's and China's latest PMI numbers and EU budget talks. Greece postponed to Monday.
22nd Nov - EU Open: Budget Talks commence
EU budget
talks commence today – expect nasty comments from participants. US Thanksgiving
keeping things quiet – stops might be cheap on low-volume, algo-driven day. China's PMI came out positive.
Wednesday, November 21
21st Nov - US Close: Greece Open, Budget Ahead
Good evening! Usual Euro-related horror stories, plus plenty of links in Finnish.
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JPY has been very weak after the talk on possible inflation targeting by the BoJ... |
Tuesday, November 20
20th Nov - US Close
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Source: FT alphaville |
Bernanke talked - nothing interesting, except the 'surprise' that FED cannot do fiscal policy, so the cliff must be solved. Some sort of peaceful solution in Middle-East looks probable.
Monday, November 19
19th Nov - US Open
Italian Industrial Orders SA (Sep) M/M -4.0% vs. Exp. -1.0% (Prev. 0.7%)
19th Nov - EU Open: Short week with heavy events
Lots of stuff to kick off the US holiday-shortened week. Check my most excellent and recently updated 'Weekly Support' for the weeklies. Short version: US holiday on Thu, Fri probably a dead day as well. Important European macro on Thu&Fri, EURUSD again trying the 1.28 resistance level. Friday's US close seemed a bit more positive, so a possibility of a minor rally. BoJ meeting ahead - probably on pause ahead of elections.
Sunday, November 18
18th Nov - Weekender - Economics & Trading
Before my usual linkcollection, I would like to point out the following gems that you might have missed:
George Soros: Open Society, the Financial Crisis, and the Way Ahead – Open Society (links to youtube videos, excellent, including Q&A clips)
Bernanke's College Lecture Series:The Federal
Reserve and the Financial Crisis: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 (youtube videos, approximately 60-70 mins each)
George Soros: Open Society, the Financial Crisis, and the Way Ahead – Open Society (links to youtube videos, excellent, including Q&A clips)
18th Nov - Weekender: EU, US, Asia
Europe is experiencing all the problems at the same time - real economy tanking, world not looking good, PIIGS suffering, political will weaning. The only thing that is not bad is the market pressure. Market pressure is kept away by Draghi's promise. In US, until recently relatively good data has now started to surprise to the downside - corporate earnings and real economy are looking cold, while fiscal cliff and uncertainty over monetary policy is troubling the markets. China got themselves new leaders, and it looks like it will be more of the same - playing tough on corruption but not reforming the economy. In other words - it seems all the bad news are already out in the world - a perfect opportunity to buy risk assets. But one thing I don't get - what happens when market pressure on Europe is back on? Thus, only tactical longs, boys and girls.
Friday, November 16
16th Nov - Weekender: Weekly Support
The ending week in review, and the next one previewed. MoreLiver is also here now.
16th Nov - US Close
Yes, MoreLiver is there now. |
Just the regulars now - next up the usual Weekender posts. And check out my new gig:
16th Nov - EU Open
See my last night's long post for plenty of high-quality reads. For additional commentary, check my new morning piece. Tension in Middle East, US budget talks, China's new leadership. EURUSD trying to drop after rejecting 1.28 level. No convincing moves in equity indices as of yet - potential double bottom developing in SPX, but too early to say. Europe looks just as doomed as for the past couple of years. Same old, same old.
Thursday, November 15
15th Nov - US Close
Both EURUSD (testing bear channel resistance @ 1.28) and SPX near 'critical' levels. Europe is considered to be in a recession and the 2013 does not look any easier. Sweden is also worsening, but at least they have monetary policy left: EURSEK near resistance levels currently. Friday comes with triple-witching expiration in US, and next week the US will have a long weekend. I believe it will be an interesting day to end the week.
15th Nov - EU Open
Wednesday, November 14
Tuesday, November 13
Monday, November 12
12th Nov - US Close: Greece and American oil
Plenty of stuff, for a US holiday. Japan started the week with even worse than expected GDP numbers. This was followed by an utterly useless Eurogroup meeting, where Greece was discussed. The early version of the Troika's report was leaked and is available and commented on FT's alphaville blog, links below.
International Energy Agency came out with a report and projected that US will overtake Saudi Arabia in terms of oil production by 2020. That's some heavy news and has a lot of implications financially and strategically.
Reformed Broker came out with a nice idea that 2013 will be a play between fiscal issues and housing. If the housing markets take off, the economy could be saved, but also the budget cuts and tax hikes could take the economy down. It could be a question which one 'shoots first'
12th Nov - US "Open"
US markets open, though banks are closed for the Veteran's Day. Eurogroup meeting will be deemed a success, if they can kick the can over the next Friday's t-bill expiration. That's how great things are at the moment.
Sunday, November 11
11th Nov - Weekender: Off-Topics & Finnish
I'll write a separate Views-post later today, after doing some chores. Happy Father's Day to my Finnish audience. As a gift, see the links to the documentary, get some coffee & cognac and enjoy the ride.
11th Nov - Weekender: Markets
Positive economic surprise index running high in US, while earnings are rolling over badly and threat scenarios abound. Everyone complaining about the high risk appetite, record-low yields, record-high issuance of high-yield debt (junk bonds). To me this all sounds like the bad news have become almost fully priced in - the SPX has not much room left below - soon some positive news will make risk markets jump back up again. ECB statement? Merkel coming out? Or most likely, that Greece is 'solved', and the US politicians are eager to avoid the fiscal cliff as they learned their lesson from the debt ceiling debacle. I'll update my chart views on the next Weekender-post.
Saturday, November 10
10th Nov - Weekender: EU, US, Asia
The week's main event was supposedly the election in US. In reality, the main event was the decision to postpone decisions on Greece, lousy macro numbers from Europe, and the falling stock markets. Remember how we were told that any Grexit was kindly asked to be delayed until Obama got re-elected? He is now elected. Greece has voted 'yes' on austerity measures and will do so again on Monday. Troika's report has been read. What are they waiting for, and why they decided to delay the decision until 26-Nov? I think I'm onto something here - I'll try to figure this out.
10th Nov - Weekender: Weekly Support
Here are
the links to help you review the ending week – and prepare for the next one.
You might also want to see the previous ‘Weekly Support’. The missing links will be updated when the articles are published. The embedded youtube video is the 1989 video of "Just A Techno Groove" by a band called "Dow Jones". Must....palm....face....
Friday, November 9
9th Nov - Weekender: Best of The Week
Picks from my ending week's posts (previous Best of The Week here).
Thursday, November 8
8th Nov - US Close
ECB did nothing, as was expected. In Europe the biggest news was that the decision on Greece is postponed to 26-Nov. Another round of terrible numbers from Europe, with record unemployment in crisis countries. EURUSD keeping in a narrow range and hardly reacting to negative headlines - so looks like plenty of negativity is already priced into the pair. SPX falling again like a rock, and looking at a weekly chart we are getting near levels where I would like to be a buyer. Around 1350? Everyone seems to be talking about that level. That would imply we never get there. If we see 1360, that's it, then. Done. Mine at 1360. I'll sort out my EURUSD view later.
8th Nov - EU Open: CB Day
Greece voted 'Jawohl' on austerity, next vote on Sunday. Today the main events are BoE and ECB meetings - Draghi has been getting more vocal - if you can call stating the obvious as being vocal. China pretends electing new leadership. Some sort of event risk could be seen coming from there - e.g. isolationism announcements or backtracking on reform.
Wednesday, November 7
7th Nov - US Close: Support in Short Supply
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Source: Thomson
7th Nov - US Open: € Well Offered
Euro selling off, for several reasons:
- we had a break to the downside from a technical range
- Greece votes on austerity measures (risk of losing further bailouts)
- Spain's budget forecasts are based on growth forecasts that nobody, including the European Commission, believes anymore
- Bad growth numbers overall -> debt defaults approaching
7th Nov - EU Open
Now that the US elections are over, people will refocus on the European crisis (Greece foremost, but secondly Spain) and then then US fiscal cliff.
Tuesday, November 6
6th Nov - US Open
Election day, real event risks ahead, (Greece votes on Wed on Troika-required savings, Thursday ECB's and BoE's meetings), so I'm expecting less dramatic markets today.
6th Nov - EU Open
early and updating as stuff comes online. Notice my previous election special.
6th Nov - Special: US Elections
Some article links I've featured previously and new ones as well. Updates at the bottom of the post.
Monday, November 5
5th Nov - US Close: Election Eve
The commentators seem to be saying that the stock market correction is not yet over - while the elections and possible risk-positive news could cause short-term spasms of optimism, the earnings, fiscal cliff and Europe loom large.
5th Nov - US Open: Get Down
EURUSD breaking lower from the range. SPX still sitting near the range's bottom.
5th Nov - EU Open: Heavy Calendar
Just wow... Tue, US elections, Thu ECB and BoE. Open
questions: Greece, Spain,
Eurogroup meeting, ECB’s collateral policies and divergence between economic
data of Europe and US. Most
pressing issue now is the ECB’s reaction to the news presented below: the
collateral provided by Spain has not been
marked down appropriately. For your market needs, I suggest taking a look at the Weekly Support below.
Sunday, November 4
4th Nov - Views
Quick views: Event risks ahead, European situation deteriorating again, so I'm very careful now. Every time the euro crisis is 'on', we can expect surprise statements from several people, often contradicting each other. Quick swings, technical trading, keeping size light as volatility will be higher than in the past weeks.
4th Nov - Credit Guest: The Year of The Empty Hand
Another 'stop the presses' post by Martin of Macronomics.
Saturday, November 3
3rd Nov - Weekender: Off-Topics & Finnish
Wow, this was a long post, but plenty of enjoyable articles. For my Finnish audience, I'm especially happy about the several links to 80's-90's scene at the bottom of the post. I will post my market views on Sunday evening. The video clip is to celebrate some good news I got. Sorry if you don't get the joke.
3rd Nov - Weekender: Europe, US, Asia
Some longer background articles that I've come across in the past week.
Friday, November 2
2nd Nov - Weekender: Weekly Support
Last week's most excellent review and the week ahead under the microscope. See my earlier posts for even more link madness.
2nd Nov - US Close
To end the week... usual Weekender-posts coming up next, beginning with the Weekly Support.
Thursday, November 1
1st Nov - US Close
Greece is in deep, deep trouble - or rather, the creditors are in trouble and Greece will soon be just fine. Which shall it be, more 'extend and pretend' or mini-meltdown? In US, it will be about the elections, and result rests on tomorrow's employment numbers. Bad numbers: Romney wins. Ok to good numbers: Obama wins.
Wednesday, October 31
31st Oct - US Close
Bad European data: bank lending in eurozone just does not fly. Trilater commission to meet in Helsinki next weekend. Trichet leads, so expect stability, greatness and overall #winning.
Tuesday, October 30
30th Oct - US "close"
Looks like the markets will be open in US on Wednesday. EURUSD turned up before properly meeting the trading range's bottom, but looks like it's on its way to the top end of the range.
30th Oct - US "Open": JPY and EUR strong
EURUSD moving up from near the multiweek range's bottom. JPY 'surprised' everyone and after BoK printed, the yen strengthened. US markets still closed because the 'lady'.
30th Oct - EU Open
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Source: Bloomberg’s Nick Summer
seems slow because of the ‘Sandy’ in US. I'll update the missing ones if and when they are posted.
Monday, October 29
29th Oct - US "Close": Hold On
Stay sharp. Stay relaxed. There's something going on somewhere, all the time. In New York, the storm will pass. Others will come. We will stay.
29th Oct - US "Open"
News from Europe getting bad again - where to find the 30bn for Greece, Spain's economy continues getting worse beyond expectations. US markets largely closed due to "bad weather". EURUSD getting near the bottom of its multiweek range.
Sunday, October 28
Saturday, October 27
27th Oct - Credit Guest: When causation implies correlation
Another great credit post from MoreLiver's favorite blogger, Macronomics. Diverging France and Germany, trouble at the core, Spain. Pain, deflation ahead.
27th Oct - Vaalit - äänestä!
Se todellinen markkinavoima on se hiljainen raha, joka yrittää nähdä kakanpuhumisen läpi. Sekös poliitikkoja harmittaa, kun suunnitelmien ja ajatuksien ei pidä kelvata pelkästään äänestäjille, vaan alati maailman tilaa seuraaville lompakon päällä istuville.
Äänestäjät äänestävät yleensä koko elämänsä ajan sitä, mitä isi ja äiti jo kotona opettivat. Poliitikot tekevät teatteria näille ihmisille. Markkinavoima on se kollektiivinen n. parinsadan tuhannen ihmisen joukko, joka yrittää nähdä teatterin läpi, mitä oikeasti tapahtuu, ja mitä siitä seuraa.
Markkinamekanismin hyvä puoli on, että rahat tuppaavat kasaantumaan niille, jotka näkevät parhaiten. Sen takia se on äänestäjiä parempi poliisi. – Juhani Huopainen
Ohessa on kaksi ukkoa, toinen Turusta, toinen Espoosta. MoreLiver suosittelee molempia ja äänestää itse Helsingissä, joten jäävään itseni. Vantaalla Pauli Vahtera on hyvä - jopa lukee meikäläisen juttuja.
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Henri Myllyniemi |
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Jukka Kilpi |
27th Oct - Weekender: Weekly Support
Here are
the links to review the past week and get ahead with the next one (previous Weekly Support here).
Friday, October 26
26th Oct - US Close: High GDP due to Defense
GDP came out, but most of bigger than expected growth came from aircraft purchases (volatile) and military spending (ahead of fiscal cliff, under budget review and the military's fiscal year ends in September), so the number was not as good as the headline would suggest. In the stock market language, the GDP growth was "low-quality". For acute reading needs, check my earlier posts, esp. the Best of The Week - I'll be back tomorrow with the usual Weekender posts, beginning with another Weekly Support. Have a good weekend - and if you're in Finland, remember to vote as your heart tells you.
26th Oct - EU Open
My previous post had plenty of article links
and my own thoughts. ‘Best of’ coming soon.
Thursday, October 25
25th Oct - US Close: Yen and Yawn
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Is this Europe's "believe me"? Source: The Big Pictur |
25th Oct - US Open: Mixed Europe
UK’s GDP better than expected, recession
over – but no reason to be too cheerful. ECB released latest lending figures,
and they were low – money supply figures came in below expectations. The Greek
bailout III is already almost certain, with
leaked details on FT. Eyes now on the US durable goods orders, followed by
the official agreement on Greece and US GDP tomorrow.
I'm expecting rising trouble with the European banking union plans: FT points out how unhappy Germany is. EURUSD and SPX are bouncing between clear technical levels, with an inclination to test the downside.
Wednesday, October 24
24th Oct - US Close: Fed Slept, My views
After the
Fed’s non-event, eyes turn to the EU-discussions
on Friday, where Greece’s continued bailout payments are probably
confirmed. Tomorrow UK’s GDP and US durable goods orders, Friday
sees several less important European numbers and the main event, US GDP. Oh yes, click the charts below for larger versions.
24th Oct - US Open: Bad Europe, Fed ahead
European economic data (PMI and Germany’s IFO) were terrible and markets
reacted accordingly. Draghi’s comments are still ahead, and later the Fed’s
FOMC conclusion. See my previous posts’ US sections for additional commentary –
don’t expect much from the Fed, though.
24th Oct - EU Open: China positive, Draghi ahead
China's PMI came out better than expected (see link section). Wednesday will be a busy day, as we get the first
glimpses of the Q4 economic activity. Given the worries over the dismal Q3
earnings and the related recent drops in major indices, and the fact that both
the FED and the ECB are
already committed policy-wise, today’s numbers will be watched closely. Incidentally,
FOMC will conclude today, but no press conference is scheduled and important
policy changes are not expected before December’s meeting. In Europe, Draghi
will be speaking in Germany’s
Bundestag on the ECB’s OMT program, followed by a scheduled press conference.
Tuesday, October 23
23rd Oct - US Close: Pre-Open Dive

Fed is probably a
non-event on Wednesday – but do notice that Draghi is visiting the lion’s den –
he’s speaking to the Germany’s
parliament, Bundestag, on the merits
of the ECB’s OMT program. He will hold a press conference after the debate, and
the market could use a word or two now. Perhaps he will provide that? Elsewhere, Canada's central bank surprised everyone and hinted that the end of easy monetary policy is going to end some day. Why? Are they worried about the house prices, or do they know something? Are they trying to do some "Chuck Norris"-monetary policy - creating growth by building up the inflation expectations?
23rd Oct - US Open: "Sell-off"
EURUSD and SPX selling off on "low volume". Perhaps the Spanish lousy GDP estimates from the central bank, perhaps the growing pessimism on US earnings outlook or simply the realization that Europe still has not solved its crisis. In my view, the markets are still within the acceptable range for a range scenario. It is common for the markets to make marginal new lows or highs just to tease all the stop orders, but you people probably already knew that, right?
23rd Oct - EU Open
Looks like another test of the support areas in EURUSD and SPX is happening. Tactical longs, baby, tactical longs.
22nd Oct - US Close: Ramp!
So, the stock market deciced to rally on the last minutes. I think it is safe to say now that the bottom of the daily range of the S&P 500 has been rejected, and a visit to the range's top is in progress.
Monday, October 22
22nd Oct - US Open: Bottom-fishing
Markets tried to move up, but failed for now. We might see some sort of bottom formation during the early part of this week, and perhaps then the markets decide whether the important support levels are taken out.
22nd Oct - EU Open: Bounce from Bottom (?)
Long posts during the weekend. You probably missed a lot:
Sunday, October 21
21st Oct - Weekender: Views, Off-Topics, Finnish
Last post of the week, with my market views, followed by some interesting off-topic articles and some in Finnish.
21st Oct - Weekender: Regulation & Economics
This week’s
edition has sections on Regulation/Risk, Markets, Economics, Nobel prizes and Citigroup. The just resigned CEO of the
bank made a cool one billion dollars from the bank. Your tax dollars at work. For fuck’s sake… EDIT: Calendar updated.
21st Oct - Weekender: Trading & Markets
This week’s
edition has sections on United States, Markets, Portfolio/Quant, Trading, High-Frequency/Algo,
Hedge Funds and Other. EDIT: Calendar updated.
Saturday, October 20
20th Oct - Weekender: Europe
The European summit turned out to be a dud, even given the very low expectations. Dedicated sections on both the summit and European banking union design.
20th Oct - Weekender: Weekly Support
Last week
in review – next one previewed! For entertainment, see my special on the '87 crash.
Friday, October 19
Special: 25th Anniversary of The Crash of '87
You still remember this? I joined the game in 1991, and experienced this as an outsider.
19th Oct - US Close
Stock markets selling off nicely, making another swing towards the daily range's bottom - but EURUSD hanging in there - perhaps joining the "fun" later? Anyway, getting ready to long any decent intraday setup will be the order of the day for Monday.
19th Oct - US Open: '87 Crash turns 25
Disappointment on the EU summit, technical resistance levels and general anxiety over the 25th birthday of the stock market crash of '87 could turn the session to negative territory. (EDIT: Calendar updated)
19th Oct - Weekender: Best of The Week
This week's main events were: EU summit agreeing on the banking union, Spain still playing time, better than expected data from China, US presidential election uncertainty increasing. A very important, but currently less discussed topic is the possibility of the central banks to write off the QE-acquired sovereign debts. As debt monetization has a bad ring to it, the discussion will be held in the background for political reasons.
19th Oct - EU Open: Banking union scheduled
First day of the EU summitteering confirmed the schedule for the common supervisor part of the banking union. This is a prerequisite for bailing out the Spanish banks, but it will be a long way to that result, and there are plenty of parties ready to change their opinion later. Markets nervous after Google's blunder.
Thursday, October 18
18th Oct - US Close: Googod...
If there is a way to fail, we will find it. Google's outsourced paperwork did not work that well - but neither did their earnings. In Europe, plenty of stuff on the presummit statements - I'm not expecting much, and it looks like markets are preparing to a good old-fashioned "buy the summit, sell the news".
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